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Showing posts from April, 2012

first visitor from Home

I was so excited when i knew one of my good friend was coming. last time i saw him was almost 5 years ago. we have been friend for 15 years or so. Since Sydney is too expensive for Indo, i had this less hope to have any visitors except from USA. my friend Ion is an Indonesian Diplomat who studies his Master Degree in Canberra, the capital city which is 3 hours away from Sydney by bus. once i tried the multiply test to become a diplomat but unfortunately i was in the second top. They only need the first one, i was very disappointed since i wanted the job so bad. i wanted to be a diplomat so i can travel around the world for free but i believed God had different plan for me.. yes He did... travel around the world i did, saw many things, met beautiful people. just like on ad. said the more you travel the richest you will be... i have seen the world and i want to see more:) Anyway, back to Ion... his my first Indo visitor ever who made it to Sydney... i met him in circular Quey, had h

Slow but sure

It is almost a year i left my country and i miss it more and more each day. i miss my family and friends and my people... everything about Indonesia incl. the traffic. Manly; the weather has been so nice lately... sunny and beach. life in Manly is getting there. slow but sure... i like my new apartment, tiny 2 bedrooms apart near the beach (that cost us $2000 per month) expensive hey.. it drives me cray every time i convert things to Rupiah (Indo currency), with the same $ i can rent a house for a year. i heard Manly is one of the most wanted places to live... the beach, surf, bay, city and the northern beaches and big city life style... i met so many europian only in Manly..any nationalities in Europe, you name it they have it... incl... America.. it is just so cool when you work in such an international circumstances where everyone else is just like you came from somewhere else. i work with Japanese, Brazilian, Korean, Italian, Germany, Venezuela, Argentinian, Swedish, American, Brit