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My Indo (Jambi) Wedding

Jambi Traditional wedding cloth

hand painting
One of the happiest days of my life… Yes the wedding went perfect like what I expected. Words can’t explain how I felt but I will try my best. Seems like everyone likes Yusuf Kevin (that’s what they called him). I really wish he could speak Bahasa, blame on me!! I was too lazy to teach him my language. On Saturday a day before the wedding, we visited my aunty, she offered Shea a place to stay but we refused, rejection isn’t polite here they expected you to always say Yes all the time. it is more to the culture thingy.
We went back to the village… everyone was waiting and excited to see Bule (white/western) to take some pictures. Derek and Shea were like celebrity of the weekend. The kids followed wherever they went. Shea bought about 30 kids ice cream which cost only $5 they were all happy. Bless him. We stayed for a few hours and learn the Indo sentence for the marriage. Shea has to remember bahasa word “Aku terima nikahi dia dengan mas kawin tersebut” means “ I accept to marry her…etc etc” and some prayers. i dropped him and Derek back to the hotel earlier so he could have rest and remember the prayers. My uncle was the driver… I went to have massage with my sister, I felt worried and perhaps massage would help me and it did.

Sunday 26th of August is the day… more like my day my wedding in my way. Jambi traditional wedding. Nikah (marriage under Islam rules with certain prayers which Shea had to remember 2 nights before) held at my mom’s house 8 am in the morning. My uncle picked them at 6 am and before 7am Shea and Derek were already arrived. They had breakfast rendang (spicy traditional curry that neighbor cooked) yes by Saturday morning the food were cooked.. ready to serve.. a lots of food for 500-600 people.
After nikah
National costume
The band
I had my make up on with traditional cloth called Kebaya (I bought in Jakarta). Uncles, aunties and neighbor were already came.. more than 100 people witness the nikah.  The Imam (priest) gave him some advices about marriage in Bahasa… Shea was just smiling; he had no idea what the imam was talking about. I then sat next to him and translate into English. Shea looked nervous.. who wouldn’t? he speak no bahasa surrounded by his new family that he barely knew. Derek kept telling me “He loves you so much, he did these for you. I wouldn’t do it if I don’t love the girl”. Anyway… The imam started the prayer, i almost cried when my dad shook Shea’s hand looked at his eyes and saying “I merry you to my daughter Mardiah….etc etc…” Shea then said in bahasa “I accept to marry her.. etc.. etc.. “ it went well.. the sentence should be pronounce in one long breath. And Shea nailed it!. everyone was happy and clapped their hands. some were laughing because Shea;s accent. Tons of pictures… and Yes I’m officially marriage in Islam.
the marching band with the small drum
 singing Arabic song
We then changed into our second costume, bright red traditional Jambinese costume. How does it goes? So my aunties and uncles who represented as Shea;s family took him to my grandma’s house which is couple minutes away.. then with the Muslim marching band came to my mom’s house. the marching sang Arabic song with the drum and some uniform kids dancing. they sang, then dance then walked slowly, Shea stood in the center just like a prince. Hundreds people wanted to see Bule with traditional cloth. we couldn’t barely move cos to many people around who most of them were the guests. We then sat at the stage they provided… everyone sat in the guest chair we provided. The band who plays middle east music started to play.. people still stayed and watched me and Shea sat on the stage with the costume.
Our Man "Derek" ROCK!
The guess then started to leave but as the tradition before they leave they came shook our hand say “congrats” and took some picture.. yes almost all guest wanted to have picture of us well more like picture of Bule with traditional costume… some wanted to have picture only with Shea.  Lol..
It was huge.. I didn’t think it was going to be that big.. everyone came to the wedding to see Shea.. those people perhaps have never seen Bule (western) other than on Television.. they wanted to see for real and take some pictures.. yes tons of picture, im tired of smiling a whole day… Derek also looked tired.. he was the celebrity of the day.. everyone wants to take picture with  him.
We killed a cow, tons of chicken and other food.. my mom was worried if the food isn’t enough to feed 500-600 people…or even more we barely make it. Everyone was fed but the food was banished. No leftover…my family felt relief… we didn’t thought it is going to be this huge especially for the village. It was a big wedding and big crowd for my village.. wouldn’t be that  big if it isn’t Shea.
At 2pm we changed our 3rd costume… still tons of picture. The band requested Shea to sing a song. He refused but then gave up at the end.. he and Derek did sing. Lol… we stayed on the stage until 5pm.. such a long day. I remember my brother’s wedding, he stayed only until 3pm.. I just bragged Shea and left the stage.. I was too tired… once we left then everyone started to leave..
we were happy, my family were happy, I was so happy.. this is the wedding of my dream.. in front of my people. I might travel, see the world, think globally and well educated but when it comes to my wedding  I wanted to be local… to where I’m from..kampung/village.
Shea and Derek flew a away a day after the wedding. Shea flew to Bali and have his own honeymoon do what he loves most “surfing” and enjoy the sun. Derek is back to Jakarta.. YES DEREK ROCKs.. he is the guy behind the scene. He was there for Shea 24 hours.. he witnessed the whole process of Shea come-ing to my family until the wedding.. he was there to support him. I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be If Derek wasn’t there…. yes he is our man, we owe him, we LOVE him!!.
I stayed for another week before heading to China and my trip. im not sure when I’ll be back, I will spend my quality times with my family. Neighbors are still talking about bule, my western husband and Derek. They like Shea and Derek..
Im happy things turn perfect… i can say life is good. 


  1. The wedding came true.. I'm happy to attend your wedding diah.. I'm gonna miss you so much diah :)

  2. We are so happy for you 2. Wish we could have been there. Can't wait for you to come back to Massachusettes.

    Love always,
    Hutch & Jen

  3. Jen n Hutch, thank you for reading my blog, we will see u again next summer we r so can't wait!!

  4. im talking to a jami girl now and im so in love with her
    i hope i can make her as happy as this woman is about her wedding love you cinta

  5. fika i am so much in love with you i hoe everyone in the world reads this you are my soulmate i promise i will marry you

  6. Thank you for reading my blog:)


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