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Showing posts from July, 2012

Slow but sure #Immigrant

Slow but sure, Life isnt easy as immigrant brother! i have to start everythings all over again. Forget about what i have had / achieved back home. im back to the ground and learn everything from zero. The system, culture, language, people, etc... I still hardly find a good friends, i have met so many new people. and how many people who stays as friends? few.. only handful. Job is the number one issue when the first time i got here. cant make a living with no job. I dont have many options, i did crappy job as back home i wont do it in million years... i tried to figure out the way and learnt the system.. slow but sure. I read how things work and i asked many question starting from how much is the minimun wages, rents, health care, education, retired, etc etc.. slow but sure i understood. not completely there but im getting there eventually. once you are in the system means you are in. im half way. In this time blog, im talking about "job" work is one of the reasons you wa

First (best) visit to Indo

Cold, cough and ranny nose... Winter really does suck!!  used to back in Indo when i feel cold i just turn off the aircon, i wish i have the remote. Cold, windy and sometimes rainny.. i really dislike winter. Now i completely understand why those tourist in Bali sits under the sun. i would do exactly the same when i get home. long ass flight Speaking about home sweet home, as i wrote in previous blog, i did go gome and suprised everyone. i managed not to tell no body but just a friend. i had long direct flight Sydney to Jakarta 8 hours by Garuda. My first visit ever. it was great, felt so good to be home. Nothing to worry as no body expected me. I just showed up infront of the door made everyone suprise, great to see their faces, my family was happy to see me. My mom once said : i want you come back as exactly as when you left. No crazy tattoo, red hair, funky style etc. missing this kue jajanan kampung Jambi traditional Wedding I went back for my brother's wedding,