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Showing posts from March, 2014


Zachary Owen Shea, was born in Oct 4th 2013. He is our world and everything for us, we love him more than words cant explain. He is just beautiful mix of me and Shea. Last night we had diner and it felt weird but yet happy to see little me sitting with us in his high chair. He watched us eating, he drooled! I said "not yet bubba soon enough you will eat pretty much everything we eat" within just 6 months our life changed! Being a stay home mum of this gorgeous baby Zack is the best could happen in my life! We go outside everyday except when it rains, we stroll around the beach, enjoy the view, listen to  the wave, feel the ocean breeze, and birds singing! see him smiling is the medicine of the day! see him growing is the best achievement of my life! This is just random blog! My head is just couldn't think perfect words to convey how I feel while watching bubba rolling! yes it is apart of being mum! worry!