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Showing posts from November, 2011

i wish i could go back n live in US

You won’t miss cookies if u never have one but once you have one and u like it im sure you want more! Im talking about me liking US. my friends might not miss it coz they have never been there and experience the life but I did and I know how it feels like! I have been to only 3 great countries where people wish to stay and immigrant; Canada, US and Australia. I compare a lot about each and I conclude or in my personal opinion US is my choice. It is not because the super power country, police of the world etc, but I see it from the “quality of life” that this county offers for me or perhaps my kids in the future. The quality of life, there is so much better… im talking about very simple things I need for daily life such us things that makes easy in the kitchen ; wash disher, nice oven, good clean water, cheap groceries, cheap food / eating out, good shopping,   very good transportation system , quick response of 911 or fire fighter, good sanitation, quick services (bank/post office/stor

muslim Celebration in Oz

When you are somewhere abroad then someone asks "where r u from" the answer is always "Indonesia" but then when u r somewhere in Indonesia and someone asks "where are you from" then will be "Jambi" yes i always miss my country not the crazy traffic Jakarta or corrupt government but the people, the weather and the food. the people is all the matter... especially my family and friends. i miss speaking in my own language, eating Indonesia's street food which cost $1 and friendly smiles of my people. Nov 6 (if I'm not mistaken) was happen to be the Idul Adha, one of Muslim big celebrations. i searched the mosque in Manly area and they have some nearby. i called and came for the pray. we had no car at the moment so i had to go myself by bus. up early and left home at around 6ish. i took my first bus to Dee why (area next to  Manly) $3.30 stopped half way coz i wasnt sure the location then i took my first taxi to the mosque. we prayed in the f

Just Manly

I’m back, at Manly Library (since i still dont  have my own internet) writing with less travel story to share since we r settling and not travelling anymore at least for now.   Life is pretty much repeated like everyone else… wake up in the morning, walk along the beach, hang out, party, eat and sleep. I’m still adjusting this new place, new circumstances, new accent, new friends, new culture and new country. It is not easy, it takes time but I’ll be fine. I haven’t been to the famous opera house or any tourist sightseeing since I live here so I just take it slow. Manly beach, is getting crowded every week, tourist keeps coming and summer is nearly there. the weather is getting nicer and warmer, many people are started to swim in the ocea (for them is nice for me in freaking cool)… and the beach is always packed especially during the weekend. We live 2 minutes away from the beach and bay n yet I haven’t gone there. I met so many Japanese, French, Brazilian Germany, and Europeans. The