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Showing posts from January, 2012

My 1st New Year in Sydney

It's 2012, already!!! time goes fast, i left my country April 30th 2011 it has been 8 months and another one year to go before the immigration will grant my Permanent Visa then i cant go home. oh i so cant wait. next time when i come back i don't have to deal the hassle bassle of VISA or immigration coz I'm about to be half Australian yippee...( i told Shea next i need US green card lol..) Johnny D asked "how was your new year Diah"? this is the story of my New Year in Sydney (whose TV or Internet said "the best fireworks in the world" right!!! our friends Ruben and Wynn drove from Brisbane (10hours away) came to see us and Sydney New year, they had the same expectation as me.. "about to witness the best fireworks in the world" we left home at 6 o'clock ferry to the city/ i planned to go early so i could shop but then i cancelled it. i put my make up on and wore my new boots i got from sale on boxing day. i was so so excited.. off we went