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My 1st New Year in Sydney

It's 2012, already!!! time goes fast, i left my country April 30th 2011 it has been 8 months and another one year to go before the immigration will grant my Permanent Visa then i cant go home. oh i so cant wait. next time when i come back i don't have to deal the hassle bassle of VISA or immigration coz I'm about to be half Australian yippee...( i told Shea next i need US green card lol..)
Johnny D asked "how was your new year Diah"?
this is the story of my New Year in Sydney (whose TV or Internet said "the best fireworks in the world"
right!!! our friends Ruben and Wynn drove from Brisbane (10hours away) came to see us and Sydney New year, they had the same expectation as me.. "about to witness the best fireworks in the world"
we left home at 6 o'clock ferry to the city/ i planned to go early so i could shop but then i cancelled it. i put my make up on and wore my new boots i got from sale on boxing day. i was so so excited.. off we went.. when we got to the circular Quey (opera house and the Sydney bridge) the place was packed with people.. hundreds and hundreds of them, they have already map their place and sat there for the fireworks.. holly molly it was only 6ish pm which is 6 hours away from new year eve. i was surprised...

But we didn't want to wait too long like the rest of them, so we walked to the central, George st. PS; the street name here are taken after British kingdom i guess, (because the road has been blocked) we caught the train and off to the Newtown... it called New Town but it doesn't look new... Shea likes Newtown coz there is always something going on in this area, away from traffic and close to the central. we Met Matt and Rachael in one of the bar, chit chat then we walked to Shea's friends party. Shea brought his crew.. (me, Ruben, Wynn, Pete, Matt and Rachael) we got there around 9ish and we were the first to arrive... i saw a Thai restaurant across the street and had Tom yum fried rice... it was yummy and the best so far in Sydney...
the house was so unique, it has long bar and cactus tree in the middle (fake one but so cool). we stayed until 11pm, i wanted to leave early so Shea wanted to stay longer.. by 11ish some guests were started to come, i was so scared to miss the fireworks coz it was already 11ish.. they wanted to take a bus but i insisted to take taxi... 5 of us in the taxi, it drove us till George St. so we had to walk again... by the time we got there the place was packed with people... the streets and circular Quey.. it was crazy!! we couldn't it get thru. they put gate around the area and there is only one way  in and out.. which is no way we could get it in that crazy crowded... they did it because the capacity of the place was overloaded... they boys were half drunk, Ruben was wasted... we lost him then Shea tried to find him then we lost Shea, only me and Wynn. we walked within the crowded tried to find Ruben and Shea, at the end we found Ruben but no Shea...

we were in the crowded somewhere under the tall buildings, got squeezed, tried to get thru to the gate but such a pain in the @ss got hit here and there and when we finally got there.. we found this tall white gate which no where to go but stuck... by that time... the New year eve counted began and fireworks started, people were screaming saying "Happy New year" but me stucked in the crowded near the tall white fence couldn't see the fireworks and missed Shea. Seriously..i didn't see the fireworks... i saw the small one which came out of the building... just one small one... :(

i was stuck and couldn't go anywhere. all i had in my mind was Home.. i wanted to go back to Manly... and thinking if we weren't, couldn't and haven't ... but too late, we had to find the gate in to the Circular Quey which was somewhere we didn't know where among those thousands of people who also wanted to go home like us... we got in to the crowded line twice, tried to get in but couldn't find it where. at the end i free myself from Ruben and Wynn and tried to find my own way because i found it hard to stick together in such a crowded place... i finally found the way in and walked to the ferry, i got in for free... sat somewhere in the ferry.. saying to myself .."MAN!!!  IT WAS THE WORST NEW YEAR EVER IN MY LIFE" i still hold a bottle of champagne in my hand, in a wrap and still not opened. i saw the boat so pretty with the light and the bridge.. Sydney lights at night is magnificent.. beautiful... i decided to stand outside snapped some pictures.. expected another big fireworks to come but nothing happen but boat passed our ferry..
when i got back inside.. i saw a Yankee hat.. it was shocked me coz it was SHEA... he sat in the back of the ferry... oh finally i found him in the ferry, he was kinda wasted and told me he got hit by the police 7 times.. at first i didn't believe him because he was tipsy then the next day he said the same story.. he did get hit by the police, i told him "you must do something wrong" he said "yes i said something wrong" ahhh "watch your mouth craka!!".
Yes Johnny D was laughing at us.."hahah Diah i tried to tell you to stay... i knew it this is going to happen.. i have been thru it.. the fireworks is awesome no doubt about i but getting there is such a pain...' he smiled and said "next New year you are staying in Manly" then i said "Yes, definitely"!
This is just my story, my experience, and my thought.. but i knew in the future i will laugh at this... i hate it but i love it!
anyway..HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012" everyone
thank you for reading my blog


  1. Fireworks on the 4th of July was probably better in the US anyways- Fireworks are a little over rated!
    Your story is both sad and funny! Thanks for sharing it!
    Happy New Year!
    We miss you still!


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