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Showing posts from May, 2012

Home sweet Home soon!!

It is the end of May, time goes fast almost half year. 3 weeks ago i just turned 28. would never have thought that i would be in Sydney in my 28th bday, my 27th was in Cambodia, 26th was in Bali, 25th was in Jakarta with buch of friends and bday cake, 24th i didnt really nothing special just relaxing and enjoying quiet bday by myself. no good friends to celebrate and dont really know special place to go. i took a bus to chastwood. it is an hour away from Manly. big mall and supermarket and store. Hectic and busy street. first time i was there i felt like in Singapore. just like when the first time i got to see Toronto. it is like an Asian community. most of the people are Asian, there are also many asian restaurant where selling spicy food. i had pho noodle for dinner. The weather is getting really cool. i have to put my gloves and long boots. the sun goes up and down earlier unlike back home. but at least it's still there. beautiful sunset on the beach. All i think

My next trip!

I'm away from home for almost a year and half, not only home land but also home country. i have seen so much thing since i left. i have met so many people and made new acquaintances. some are become friends and good friends, some are like family. i cant ask more than this. i always believe in DREAM big and make it happen. My life turns perfect just exactly like i wished for... it is all happen in my 20ish well im still 20ish. very stubborn and determine character i guess help this happen. Before even finished my Bachelor i set this goal that in my 25th i have to have my Master degrees. i was only 19 years old at that time, and i did. i have never asked any dime from anyone especially my parents since i was in university. i was poor but rich in dream. well im still remind poor i know how it is like having no money, once i experience being penniless when i couldn't effort to buy food ended up eating plain white rice and eggs, but no body knows coz i hate begging fo