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My next trip!

I'm away from home for almost a year and half, not only home land but also home country. i have seen so much thing since i left. i have met so many people and made new acquaintances. some are become friends and good friends, some are like family. i cant ask more than this. i always believe in DREAM big and make it happen. My life turns perfect just exactly like i wished for... it is all happen in my 20ish well im still 20ish. very stubborn and determine character i guess help this happen. Before even finished my Bachelor i set this goal that in my 25th i have to have my Master degrees. i was only 19 years old at that time, and i did.
i have never asked any dime from anyone especially my parents since i was in university. i was poor but rich in dream. well im still remind poor i know how it is like having no money, once i experience being penniless when i couldn't effort to buy food ended up eating plain white rice and eggs, but no body knows coz i hate begging for help while i m healthy and capable to make a living. since then i promised myself i would never be and want to be broke/penniless. Shea keeps telling me about the value of money. oh i know damn right what does it mean, why should you buy a pair of shoes with credit card when you know you cant effort it.
i might complain how i hate doing shitty job in this new homeland but i dont feel embarrass to do such a job when i can make $, and i do something for a change. i dont want to be stuck doing the same shit i hate. i have no patient, that's what the bus driver said when i almost hit the bus, he was damn right. i dont wait for miracle to happen. nothing comes when you just wait except the bus. still you need to wait in a right station! im a doer... i do things and i got shit done!
i have enough with this "I" things. anyway... i miss home, especially my family. but im kind of nervous to think about going back. im adjusting life well here. i might find it hard for the first week but im sure i will do well. hole in the ground toilet, cool shower, riot traffic, spicy food and the tropical weather.
another 3 months but im so excited and so cant wait.
im going home in August, will stay for couple weeks. im excited about this home trip. im also going to do some trip across Australia. started from Sydney-Jakarta-Malaysia-singapore-Bali-Perth-Adelaide-Melbourne and back to Sydney. My 2012 trip.. this time i will do it by myself. i hope to see some friends along the way.
i always believe that things happen for reason, we just need to figure it out. Reason that im still doing this shitty job so i can just go for a long vacation anytime i want. im not ready to commit somewhere. work for long hours with only 2 weeks off of a year. Perhaps after this trip. i will. My practice teaching for my school will start on Monday... oh how i love the feeling to be back to the circumstances that i always wanted.. school. yes i always love kids and teaching.

ps: please check my sister's web page.. girls will love this :)


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