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1st blog 2013

It has been awhile, i don't even know where to start, so many things happened in life in Sydney. Last time i wrote was about my trip to Melbourne for first time, staying in this backpack somewhere in St. Kilda share room with bunch of Irish and British. Second night we all couldnt sleep because one of them had sex in same room and made such a laud noice Twice!
Anyway, this is my second summer in Australia, its been beautiful and warm. Beach is always packed with tourists and parking spot is always full which i hate so much. i decided not to go anywhere during the weekend just because i dont want to lose my parking spot. suck!
Manly beach is beautiful, this summer time i swam in the ocean only 3 times. still too cool for me;) We are living in a real life with full time jobs and bills lol... it sucks! living near this beautiful beach paying more than $2000 /month rents for such a tiny box flat. i dont even go to the beach, sarcasm!
im so get use with high living cost especially in Manly. $3 mineral water, $15 lunch, $20 dinner.. lol
sometime i go to the city and have cheaper thai food for $8.. seriusly things are double price in Manly!
Yes real life sucks! i have been dreaming about Bali and Indonesia; massage, spa, good cheap food, family etc. now i have enough money to fly but dont have enough time to go! my time is clicking! i want to travel! im started to lose it...
we both work so hard and work pretty much everyday, we both pick up some part time job during the weekend. I love my job and my little kids, i love driving to work i love to have the wheels and the independence to do n go whatever i what to  go. I reeally cant stay still i have to move and do something! i need to learn to slow down!
I managed to fly my sister to Sydney, her first time abroad visit! she was so happy as she could be and enjoyed every minutes of her stay in Manly, she didnt want to leave. 2,5 months! long enough to have her around! i got used to it and missed her when she left. it reminds me of my old time first time i went abroad i found everything fascinating and interesting and everything made me happy. She kept saying "i want to live here!"
oh dear sister, you came here for visit you didnt live in a real life like i do. u dont have the bills or rents to pay or real jobs! you will feel excited for first couple months and then feel lonely after you've seen everything you need to see and thinking life back home isnt bad at all. at least still have family and friends around!
I think it depends on how you make you feel about life,. easy to say! Nope not many colour people here like US other than Asia and usually they stick together! a guy from LA i met in Mandi gra asked me "why there are so many white people here?" i was just laughing and he said "if you come to LA you will see so many people like us (appearntly he is Mexican American), come and live in LA". he sounds so racist lol.
No it is not my thing going to the pub or stayne, drink and watch everyone get drunk and try to hook up each other and perhaps if they get lucky they might have one night stand or continue into a relationship! but i do go there once in while. It is their kind of thing to do or they so called "culture thingy" i care less!
Life is now all about Work, eat and sleep! so boring! yup real life sucks! but i cant complain no more. im happy to be here! Australia! yesterday i went to doctor for medical check up, had my blood test etc. and it was FREE. Heatlh care n educations are free! i cant complain no more about paying taxes!


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