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Showing posts from November, 2013

New episode

And finally we reached to this stage when the time and plans arent ours anymore, it is involved our little man, our beautiful baby boy who was born 6 weeks ago Zachary Owen Shea! he is beautiful baby in the world others isn't matter mine is the best. He is such a gift! shine sun! everything to us! how life changes in just one day! sleepless night, nappies, baby cry but best of all is the smile that bright our day. Babies are such a torture and why are they so cute? I didn't really understand how it feels like to be a mum until I have my own. It is just different, another whole story! I will not let anyone  harm him not even the wind! I love him so much. if I didn't have him this time, I would have travelled to Europe, we would have gone to US, I would have busy working, we would have had our own world-dining out, wake up late, shopping, dinner plan, pub (for Shea), etc. But these are nothing compare to what we have! we have a son! a beautiful mix son. He is Australian and