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It has been a while since I posted my last blog. Here I am a mother of 2 very young boys. Yes I have another boy my precious little Noah! I love him beyond words. How amazing tiny little people takes so much room in your heart! I love my boys so much. 

I'm looking at the ceiling at 4am I have been up sick 1am! Jet leg isn't fun at all! While my boys are fast asleep I decide to write pieces of mind. Yes we are back to America for visit! Back In Hull Nantasket Beach. I always love America especially east coast!
Zack is almost 3 years old and Noah is 11 weeks! How time flies! Last time our visit was 2 years ago when zack was 9 months! We couldn't believe it we made it This far! Flying with an infant and a toddler isn't that fun All you have is worry! That's why we parents aging a lot I guess
From sydney to Boston! If you look at the globe it's like the other part of the world! So damn far! I hate to put my kids into a long flight! But surprisingly they were doing wonderful! Amazing how great they were!
It is winter back home in sydney! Before we left I kept zack at home for a week so he wouldn't get cold from other kids this probably drove him mental! From kid to always on the moves and wants to explore to stay home for a whole week! we worried about getting him into the airplane with cold or runny nose! We almost missed our flight to LA! We forgot to set alarm on! we took ferry and train to the airport. Noah (9 weeks old) slept pretty much the whole trip while zack jump up n down too excited to explore! We kept telling him we are going to America to see Grammy and grandpa.
Travelling with stroller makes things harder, everywhere we go we have to take the lift! We learnt from past mistake this time we travel lite as I plan to do some shopping in US!
Anyway after half an hour in the line while zack unpack his bag pulled everything out and Noah was crying for boobs. We finally get to the check in counter! Passports! We are family with 3 different passports which makes it hard to travel especially with documents wise.  I'm an Indonesian, my husband is American and Australian (dual citizen) zack has US and Australian passport while Noah only has Australian passport ( we hvnt applied his US passport). We all checked in except Noah! They asked for his US visa. We didn't know we need one as we assumed his dad is American and he is only 2 months old. Good thing they could do it online for us! We thought we couldn't go. We were 5 minutes about to miss out flight we heard them calling our name as the plane was ready to take off! We ran and rushed in to the gate and made it.
We managed to get the bassinet seat. The plane wasn't full, a gentleman who sat next to us was rolling his eyes to find out that he was about to sit next to a family with young kids. What a hell of a flight for him. But then the flights attendance offered him different seat First reaction he said "Thanks goodness!" I bet he must be relief! I'll be the same if I were him. I love travelling but I hate flying. The flight wasn't really smooth they kept the seatbelt sign on for The entire flight (turbulence) we were forced to keep our kids for 14 hours. Zack was really good but after 11 straight hours sitting still he was losing it! Threw tantrum and refused to sit or put his seat bell on! I'm (adult) couldn't even do it I had to hold Noah for the entire flight! He was an angel! Didn't cry but sleep I hold in in my arm using #hugabub the Australian baby carrier. He loves it. Good thing it was day flight so I managed to not sleeping at all.
We landed in Lax at 7:30 local time which was 2 am Sydney time! I was exhausted so did Shea. The immigration point was easy, they made us as priority. We walked in with no problem.
The trip from home to LA itself Took us 24 hours or so.


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