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Excitement in March (Mardi Gras)

Feel like writing, i dont have much to say and share.. life repeats pretty much the same everyday. Summer in Sydney is officially over, it is what they called it autumn but i dont see any leafs falls... it feels like autumn cold and windy.. the sun is still there but the wind makes it so cold. in not ready for winter yet, last winter i had was 8 year ago in Canada i couldnt even remember what it was like... i need to buy more warmer clothes since i dont have any, i started to put the heater on it is not even winter yet... im already feel cold. Today after work i didnt want to step out of the door even the sun was there, because it was cold and windy... OMG im going to be fat if i dont do something during the winter but hibernate like bear in bed, eat, work and sleep... it is going to be boring!!!
No more excitement ( i need one), the famous opera house and the beautiful Sydney harbour and the bridge are things i see everyday life... nothing special anymore... this is my city now. last weekend i went to see the famous gay parade called Mardi Gras, i told Shea i dont want to miss this one like i missed the New Year Eve. 
On Saturday we left home early at around 12,  ferry to city, first we went to see baby Matt and Rachel, super cute baby, they are nice people i like them, Matt cooked n we had lunch at their house. we left at around 4.30 bought one day pass ferry and bus, the parade was in Oxford street, when we got there the street was already packed, people came from all over to see this parade just like me, Shea wanted to see his friend Mike but i insisted to stay in the line, i was in the front row... two and half hours waiting for the parade i almost wanted to give up, i was so tired i took off my high heel and walked with my spare sandal. good thing i always well prepare, i ate chocolate i brought from home for some energy i was freaking hungry i skipped the dinner but for once in every year even like this parade, i would hold on. 

i was already in the crowded at around 5 and the parade was started at 7ish... first came a group of good looking gay with (only) undies on... OMG he are real good looking guy like Ricky Martin, tall, tan, six pack what ever you call it.., everyone was screaming excited... then a group of motorbike Lesbi big Harley bike.. that was how the parade started... 
group of gay and lesbian or bi-sex or whatever u call it.. were in the group with their own theme... music, costume, dance.. it was sooo soo much fun,... everyone was screaming... it was so cool because each group  represent each own union like Thai Gay and Lesbian with thai traditional costume or India with Indian Traditional costume, dance and music. there were also the group that represent Japanese, Jewish, some fitness club, Sydney guy n Lesbian, Police, fire fighter, the gay queen danced in the cage they designed, party cars with pool where they could dance etc etc.. i cant describe how much fun it was and the atmosphere was so strong.. everyone had a good time even it was raining..
i was soaking wet and shaking freezing cool but i was happy because i had so much fun.. i didnt know where was shea but i didnt care.. i didnt want to miss this even.. i came there, i stood and waited for 2 hours, i saw it, i didnt and i was happy... at the end of the night i told him i had a good time:)

we left the crowded earlier around 10pm and walked for half an hour just to avoid the crowded, took bus to circular Quey and got into the Ferry... we were both hungry, and the only option we had at 11pm was Mc. Donald (as always) we both fell asleep in the ferry... :)
we did alot within one day.... before we got into the bus to Matts and Rachel's house, we saw this famous ice cream company making an advertise, we then sign was pretty cool where they took 3D pics of me n shea jumped holding free ice cream:) it should be in their website.. i guess more than 50 people sigh up for the advertise. 
i guess the parade was one of the excitement of the month:), and another excitement i have is sitting behind the wheels, yes i started to drive!!! so excited... i got my licence and drive around Manly with Shea screaming next to me for sure... saying brake! brake, brake !! gas! gas!! etc etc...he is too panicky every time i drive and i guess i give him another level of stress... oh boy!!


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