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Showing posts from August, 2012

My Indo (Jambi) Wedding

Jambi Traditional wedding cloth hand painting One of the happiest days of my life… Yes the wedding went perfect like what I expected. Words can’t explain how I felt but I will try my best. Seems like everyone likes Yusuf Kevin (that’s what they called him). I really wish he could speak Bahasa, blame on me!! I was too lazy to teach him my language. On Saturday a day before the wedding, we visited my aunty, she offered Shea a place to stay but we refused, rejection isn’t polite here they expected you to always say Yes all the time. it is more to the culture thingy. We went back to the village… everyone was waiting and excited to see Bule (white/western) to take some pictures. Derek and Shea were like celebrity of the weekend. The kids followed wherever they went. Shea bought about 30 kids ice cream which cost only $5 they were all happy. Bless him. We stayed for a few hours and learn the Indo sentence for the marriage. Shea has to remember bahasa word “Aku terima nikahi

Shea is in Jambi (Bule masuk kampung)

This time visit i was kind of nervous as everyone knows i'm coming... i did 2 days fasting with family and a night tarawih (night prayer) in my childhood mosque. i felt weird as well as excited... i used to have no idea what was the world like... i didnt miss anything. how do  explain this.. everything seems so plain . because i have seen or tried thing that ever better than what we have in my home town. street ice cream i used to think was good isnt good anymore since i have tried "Ben and Jerry" for instance. everyone looks the same but just getting old. some old people i knew has passed away.. the kids i remember have already grown up. and im the same me according to my mom. Those travel days i had didnt change who and where i came from. im still doing well with the bucket cool shower and hole in the ground toilet. i speak not Bahasa or English but Jambinese language... then i know im HOME. Idul fitri is a big celebration for muslim after a month fasting.. big f

Travel day n flight to Jambi

I spend my first night in the airport... tried to stay up late walked in the terminal back and forth. i took the bus shuffle to terminal 1 to 2 and 3 just to kill some times. People started to come around 4 -ish.  couldn't stay up longer then i decided to book the nearest hotel called Aston Cengkareng Hotel near the airport. it took about 15 minutes by taxi. I arrived at around 7 but i couldn't check in, not till 12 in the afternoon. Damn it! i was so tired, instead of waiting in the hotel lobby  i then decided to go hopping and buy some stuffs for the wedding. Mangga Dua.where i headed to...huge shopping mall, it took half an hour by taxi. I was so excited and bought things i don't need. Thing seems so cheap n i luv it i finished shopping around 2pm went back to the hotel. i was so tired. i wanted to have a good night sleep. i walked to the nearest mall and found this spa called "Bambu spa"! excellent.. i had an hour massage. it was so damn good, $6 is what i p

2012 Trip is just started

Another long flight home, my trip is just about to start it. I left Manly took 8 am fast ferry to the circular Quey it cost extra $2 than normal ferry but save 15 minutes of your time. Train took less than half an hour for $16.50 to terminal. This time travel I brought less baggage. I have learnt a lesson from my previous trip. travel light:), I don’t want to burn the bridge so on Monday I came to my workplace to say bye and promised to come back. i definitely need a jobby job after this trip..hell yes, im soon going to be broke!! Broke!! I’ve got my car washed, got Shea wii for his birthday present, cleaned up the flat etc. I got things done! Anyway… I found this cheap flight to Jakarta by Air Asia for $460,”you got what you pay” and I believe in this case yes price is a matter!!. It was such a long 9 hours flight to Kuala Lumpur in a tiny seat with no food, movies or games such a pain! It was really low class flight… plus babies were crying for a whole trip. Guddd damn! I lov

August Random

I cant be happier than this, im excited about going home to see my family and friends, wedding and the trip. Couple more days, 2 days left at work then im done. i got my "tax return" back which helps alot with this wedding n trip. I dont really do much since i came back from indo a month ago, all i did so far was work, work and assessment. cant do much in this cold weather. Im not that excited to drive around as i used to be. Sydney is such a beautiful city, im just happy to see beautiful sunset on the beach every morning. the sounds of the ocean, the fresh and cold air. Manly wakes up pretty early. if you go to the beach around 6am you could see many people walk their dogs, jogging, biking, surfing, yoga on the beach, etc etc.. pretty beachy northern beaches life. Manly ferry runs every half and hour to the city and forth. Beautiful people rush to their work nice suit black long winter boots looking cool! so stylish. indeed Sydney is really such a stylish city.. if you r o

Ramadhan in Sydney

Welcome August,half year to go... and August means Ramadhan, fasting month for muslim. This is my first Ramadhan in Sydney. No food nor drink for a whole day. good thing it is winter so i can eat an hour early than back home. some people think it is crazynnot to eat but i do what i belief to do at least i know what it feels like to be in hunger so i'll be appriciated food more and not to waste it. sometimes we eat too much more than our body needs it. well yes if you are teenagers you need to eat more as your body is growing but us..??? I have no problem with fasting and get use to it. i have done it since i was 5years old. and i do it every year for the last 23 years of my life. well if you put your mind into something im sure you can do anything. i remember last year when i had to do fasting in US, it was summer and the day was so long.. i had to stay until 8.30pm but i did it and i was fine. what i like from this ramadhan is that i can fit on my old jeans. feeling so light and