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Showing posts from August, 2016


Motherhood! I really enjoy being a mum, perhaps because my kids are young and I am  still in complete control of their life! their well being are depends on me as their mum. They said "Teach them what you wanted to learn when you were a little instead of give them what you wish to have" im not sure what I wanted or wish to learn. Perhaps Piano, I always wish I could be able to play any musical instruments or perhaps I wish I have the "people skill" how to deal with people as I was so shy. Most of those leaders aren't really the smartest but one thing they have in common is their skill of how to convincing or pursuing people! I know for sure the only precious thing I could give my kids is my time! playing and explaining thing. they are little so everything is new and there is always new exciting thing for them to know. like last week I told Zack we are going to have a walk to the hill next to little manly beach where there are little bunnies because Noah hasn

US visit

It always feels good to be back to home sweet home, our visit to US was great, my good friends Claudia and her family came down to Boston to visit us. It was great to see her. she doesn't change or aged at all. we have been friends for 13 years now, how time flies. you feel old when you meet your friends who then have kids and you as well have your own kids, you were wondering where are these little people come from! they can be little but they are so powerful that can control your happiness and takes so much room in your heart. I love my children beyond word. It just felt weird, I have travelled a lot in the past, each time I wake up first thing I wonder was "where am I today"? sometimes it takes awhile to realise that I am a mum. Like some people said 'don't take thing for granted" I haven't had a peace time in the toilet for 3 years now since Zack was born. even when i do have my time then my mind doesnt and still wonder "what zack is up t