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Showing posts from October, 2011

Darley Rd Manly #hoME Sweet Home

We finally moved to our own place, YES!! so happy, after 2 weeks sleeping here and there, i finally unpacked my suitcases.  After city visit, we went back to BJ's house and took over Johnny D room. Turner (whose room we took last week) finally got his room back  and he was so happy coz he doesn't have to sleep in the sofa, now Johnny D's turn, we made him slept in the sofa... (sorry Johnny).  Tuesday morning, we both were excited especially Shea... we moved to this new place in Darley road Manly, 2 minutes walk to ferry, very good area but not the best place to live. these old building apartment has 8 small studios and most of it are rent by Brazilian or students which during the weekend it turns to be a party house. ours is ok, with kitchen (most important), small toilet and good side bedroom. Shea scrubbed everything from the floor and toilet, he cleaned up the whole studio apartment, vacuumed, mopping, threw some old furnitures out and get new furniture in. i really wish

Off to the City for Drop kick Murphy's

We finally got this small apartment for $1600/month, we just signed the lease for 3 months... not really nice but at least it has kitchen so i can cook my own food as it's very expensive to go out for meal here in Manly. it is located in the heart of Manly, yes as i wrote before, we pay the location and view instead of the place. 2 minutes walks to the beach and bay... Shea promised, we will find a nicer and better apartment after finishing this lease, that's our short goal. nice and decent apartment in Manly overview the beach or bay.we are not moving yet  till Tuesday. we are still living in friends' house.... still haven't unpack our suitcase, still haven't settle, yes it's almost 2 weeks.. Drop kick Murphy, my very first concert i just went too, crazy rock Irish concert, laud, and a bunch of drunk people, i didn't like it at all, at least it's one of the lists Shea promised me. We left manly and went to Sydney city by 30 minutes Ferry, first time i

Rent hunting story in Manly, Sydney

I t has been 5 days now we r in Sydney, and we still couldn't find a nice place to stay. i feel so frustrated, we keep searching and looking and walking around Manly, looking for any lease/rent/room available signs but the result still ZERO. It isn't as easy as finding a Hotel room where u can book it in internet, pay it with credit card and done. it is depends on the owner who decide to who she/he gives their place, if they like you then perhaps you can get the place. we just got here with no job, it's hard to compete with those professional officers who also looking for a place to stay.  Manly beach is the most expensive place to live in Australia, it makes sense because it is so beautiful just like Mission beach or any other beach in San Diego. They land is ridiculously expensive, they sell the view and the location. the rent for a week in manly cost the same as to rent so much better apartment for a month in any other big cities in Australia, so basically we pay 4x hig

Claudia's email brights my day #Sydney

I have hard time for the last 3 days in Manly Sydney, feeling frustrated couldn't find a nice place to stay... a dear friend of mine, Claudia. my best friend i love so much sent me an email which is bright my day... which i;d luv to share :) Counterpart Diah !!! congratulations !!  Selamat !!! u made it !!!!!  I'm so proud of u : ) wahhh.... such a long flight... I just read your blog... two stories airplane ?? I didn't know it even existed ! How is Sidney ? How are u feeling ? How is Kevin Joseph Shea ?? I hope his left hand is better now... I watched the video of Shea making surf in the wave thank.... wow !! I thought he is very good !!! Did u find somewhere to live yet ? I know, this must be hard with high season... Hope u find a good place very soon : ) Oh... Diah, a new chapter of your life has begun just now.... It's ok to feel nervous... it's normal... But, one thing at a time... Sometimes, we have the big picture in our heads... we think too much... too fa

Travel days is always suck! but welcome Sydney, Australia

We made it to Sydney after long direct flight from LA, it was such a nightmare but good thing we managed to sleep in the aeroplane. we left Mission beach at around 1ish. 10th of Oct, we woke up like our normal days of travelling, late at 10ish. a lady knocked the door and asked us to leave the house because the house keeper will clean up and new guest will come at 1. they didn't tell us or may be we never checked the schedule. Good thing we have packed our stuffs but still things are everywhere. they kicked us out of the place we have less than an hour to leave the house, i just put all my stuffs in the suitcase and all the left over food in the plastic bag, had a quick shower then left the the house. Yogi picked us (couldn't imagine if he wasn't there, where else could we go) with all our big suitcases and bags, we threw it the back of the trunk. we continued doing unfinished laundry at Yogi and Loli's house. i did the same mistake, eating spicy chicken wings a day bef

Fire in Mission Bay, San Diego

I have never seen such a real scene like i saw couple days ago, i have witnessed a big fire! OMG... that was all i could say. I left house around 1ish, going to catch the bus to Down Town San Diego, i live in Dover, beach side and across the street is the bay side. i walked to the main street, i saw this big white house across the street and small smoke came from the garage, i stopped and waited and wondered "what the heck is that smoke for, is it fire" i was hesitate and thought probably someone has BBQ. 3 guys who bike also stopped in front of the house. we were kind of waiting for like 5 minutes and watched the smoke, then suddenly it became a big, black smoke which turned to be a fire... Then we all realized it was a fire!, i saw the guys were on the phone and i was so sure one of them might call 911. the fire turned to be a flame. OMG it happened so fast... i saw some guys jumped out of the window tried to save themselves... people was started to come and watched the fi

Counting down the days!

It's exactly a week before out next departure, Sydney Australia. OMG 5 months already passed, long trip we have... San Diego has been fun, i met new people, going here and there. we r kinda busy of nothing, meeting people, party here and there. the weather for the last couple days is beautiful, nice warm sunny day. I'm started to love this city. i could see the view clearly, the beach, the bay, palm trees etc spectacular... such a beautiful city. we have kept going, meeting people, make plan, BBQ, parties, etc..which is good, keep me busy:). last week we finally went to San Diego Downtown, meeting both Jeffs (Shea's friends), had dinner with Loli, Yogi and Lisa. we had short San Diego' tour walked around the city. i did little bit shopping. Broadway... downtown San Diego has so many good fine dining/restaurants and shopping boutiques. very nice city, and walking distance; u can walk anywhere around downtown. palm trees along both sides of the road makes it so characte