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Showing posts from December, 2011

1st Christmas in Manly, Sydney

"When in Rome, being like a Roman" so when people drink or smoke ganja for instance then i should do the same things, Yea right I'm not Damn. Hell no... i do what i like how i want it. if it is cross the limit for sure i will act. i understand if they say "it is the culture" then i can say "yes" i don't like it and it doesn't suit me then". so when things bother me and i did nothing to do about it of course i will act... calling police for instance if people drink, drunk n being stupid and too laud at 1.30 AM in front of my house when i have to sleep and have to wake up in the morning. i just want to hang out with normal people, those who knows when to party and when to stop and appreciate neighbour.. those who knows there is kids sleeping next door. those who knows the limit to be too drunk and stay up a whole morning and go to work late the next day. a normal people who appreciate life and the health God gives. im not saying stop havin

About to be apart of Oz-an productive society

Yes, I'm about to be  apart of Australian productive society... that's what i wrote in my Visa application. Thanks God they granted my Visa and most of it is the work permit! i was over the moon so happy, one of the happiest moments in my life.. having a permit so stay and work in good country like Oz. ah as i always said to my family in US, 'i cant wait to make dollar" i will frame my first dollar and say bye to Rupiah.. i can make the world currency and feel like everything is reasonably pricey, not too expensive anymore. i can just point the things i want to buy without stressful about the number and the convert currency, the world feels less expensive. as i wrote before, back home i worked my ass off and work so hard but still got such a shitty money. living in developing country and shitty currency makes things difficult when it comes to travel. everything seemed so expensive for me especially when we talk about dollar... but all good and problem solved. i sta

Manly, Sydney before Xmas and New Year

Life is repeat, that is exactly what happen now after we settle, wake up and go to bed early (at the same time). it is a good thing coz we have new body clock.. except for the weekend because parties always happen everywhere. The last couple days were raining and cool, I slept with the heater on. summer is almost there.sometimes it is nice hot sunny day but sometimes it's  cloudy and rainy, cannot really predict the weather. Morning walk is always the best… especially along the Manly beach.. looking at the sunrise, blue ocean and wave..   im not the only one to do so, many people do exercise along the beach; jogging, surfing, yoga, walk their dog, biking… most of them who live in Manly and of course they can surf, even the kids and teenagers.. I’m so jealous, I wish I could..   I live 30 minutes from the city but i haven’t gone there that often… I’ve been there 3 or 4 times. One of my friends from Indonesia who lives in Perth came to visit. So I went to the city to see her and ot