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About to be apart of Oz-an productive society

Yes, I'm about to be  apart of Australian productive society... that's what i wrote in my Visa application. Thanks God they granted my Visa and most of it is the work permit! i was over the moon so happy, one of the happiest moments in my life.. having a permit so stay and work in good country like Oz.

ah as i always said to my family in US, 'i cant wait to make dollar" i will frame my first dollar and say bye to Rupiah.. i can make the world currency and feel like everything is reasonably pricey, not too expensive anymore. i can just point the things i want to buy without stressful about the number and the convert currency, the world feels less expensive.
as i wrote before, back home i worked my ass off and work so hard but still got such a shitty money. living in developing country and shitty currency makes things difficult when it comes to travel. everything seemed so expensive for me especially when we talk about dollar... but all good and problem solved.
i started looking for a real job and i really cant wait to go back to work. i left my job in April and haven't had job ever since... so it has been 8-9 months now...I'm so excited!!!
Sydney especially in Manly is such an expensive city, the living cost here is might similar like New York but good thing about this city is the minimum wages, things are costly but the wage is also high... it's balance i guess. it is nice thou.. when you live in such an expensive city and get used to it then when u travel somewhere else which different currency it will spoil u. i just really cant wait to go to Indo or Bangkok where everything is so cheap... i will shop like no tomorrow.
i dont see any poor people here, may be there is but the definition of "poor" for them might be way different than Indo. coz those poor folks are still getting money from the government while in my country once you poor  you only can say "good luck" here when you poor means you dont really  try hard enough to get out of it but in my country when u r poor mean you are literally poor... even you have tried hard enough u still remind poor, coz bureaucrat... for example; when you sick all u need to show is how much money you have and do u think you can effort it (have you heard the story of this sick baby got rejected in 3-4 different hospital in Jakarta just because they had no money and poor) but in Oz once you are residents the government will take a good care of you, such a nice country.. no wonder the story of those people who sailed from middle east or east timor in a small boat illegally try to get into this country. oh im so lucky to be able to live here. Thanks God.
anyway, whatever the life i have here i will not complain no more.. (even i still wish i could  live in US)because i believe im living "good" compare to my folks back home.
i welcome myself to this new homeland, and opportunity and perhaps better future... will have interesting stories to tell my kids (pehaps) as they become the first immigrat generation.. lol (amin)

The life in new homeland is about to start it, Bismillah...


  1. Sorry ya kalau komentarku nggak berkenan, ada yg membingungkan disini untukku,
    Waktu berangkat pakai turis visa kan, dan setahuku kita nggak bisa lamar visa kerja disana, untuk jadi PR saja (non OZ) harus stay 2 th dan nggak boleh keluar, lha kok ini tiba2 dpt visa tinggal dan WP juga, how ????
    Aku kawin hampir 1/4 abad with OZ tapi kalau mau pulkam masih saja lamar visa, apakah peraturan sudah berubah ?

  2. Hi Diah!
    You have the best attitude! Even though I wish you would come live in US! We all miss you, but are happy you have your visa and work permit! Go get it girl!
    Your sista,

  3. hahah nanti kapan2 kita chat ya mbak siwi, biar sy critain gmn process dptnya:)
    Karen, i miss you all... im excited as im starting to look for a real job:)


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