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Showing posts from July, 2011


How things change, I looked over the old pictures I have for the last couple years and I could see the differences… we do grow old!! Not exactly old, I do believe some people stays the same over the decade they might change outside but not inside. Have u ever met person who is as stubborn as he/she used to be 10 years ago. Like Shea said “Kick in the ass” , some need ass kicking then they can move forward… what’s the   point of these? I don’t know J I also wonder how many people out there who spend 2 minutes times reading my blog….sometimes I wrote rubbish! I have so many things going on in my mind and it is not easy to express, I bravo those great writers out there.. sometime I mean something but it comes out different thing!   Anyway I don’t know what’s the point but I just try to write randomly. It is almost 2 months I’m in USA, living with a real American family. It is weird coz I don’t seem remember what it feels like to be home coz I’ve been moving around. I can remember what is

city to city!

New York was great adventure, right after we got home we ran back to the road to see Karen and Paul at CapeCod. i always love their place beautiful and big house, quite and so peaceful with beautiful lake right behind the house. we went there to spend the weekend. Paul took me to his Posche sport car... which was fun!!! karen took me to yard sale which i love the best coz i got this small purse for 50 cent.. the boat ride and relax near the island was great fun... did nothing but relax and swam in the lake, my first rib eye was delicious. Dores (Paul's dad's gf) was so funny, talking with her Kentuckey's accent.... Monday morning we rushed back to Hull and hanged out with Beandos (Shea's niece and nephew) and Tuesday we left Hull for Rutland and stayed over at Beandos' place, i could see baby Eric.. he is as cute as always then Billy took us to a small tour at his school Watchusett, i was amazed with the facilities they have.. such a huge school... they've got

New York City - first and Only!

Off we go! New York City this time!! This is the moment that I have been waiting for during this trip, NEW YORK!!! We planned to go there on Tuesday so late afternoon we left home to the train station, but on the way we were stuck in the traffic. So we missed the train... L The next morning Wednesday 13 , we went at 10ish took train from Quincy station to Boston. Fung Wah bus was the one we took, so cheap $15 and it goes every hour. We left Boston at 1 and arrived in NYC at 4.30 the bus runs by Chinese guy I guess that’s why they dropped us in China town. Yes!   I wanted to see china Town, here we are!!! I was so excited to see Asian People and saw so many Asian restaurants. I spotted this Thai and Indonesia groceries, I was overwhelmed!!! Indonesian groceries in NYC oh u kidding me!! the store is very small but it has some Indonesian stuffs like soy bean sauce/kecap bangau, noodle, tom yum soup paste etc. oh I was so happy. i did shop a little but as usual, Shea my bf would get panic

"No Alibi alibi" at New Boston Boat

I’ve been busy lately doing random things here n there, play cards n hang out with Beandos (Shea’s sister’s kids). Their Family trip was fun, Plymoth Plantation and May flower ll, I was lucky enough be in their car and experienced it while Shea was having a break at beach house. Visiting the Village where some people acted like native Indian / pilgrim and the May Flower’s boat & stone was quiet interesting but boring. The kids were complaining because they felt bored n wanted to go to Mc. D. I thought it was Fun trip not because the history (as i’m not a big fan of it) but the Beandos in the car. I love them and they all r fun and good kids. Good thing I always enjoy my time… same chance never come twice so no more complaining but grateful. I don’t know when am I going to see USA or the kids, even perhaps when I see them in the future, they might not be a kid anymore, they grown up and have their own stuffs to do. I always wish that kids stay as a kid. I love them. “No alibi alibi”

Baseball game Fenway Park - Boston

Kevin Joseph   Shea is the best bf ever… he keeps all his promises; baseball game this time, Yes we went to Red sox game in Fenway Park - Boston… huge baseball field, the one on TV, ESPN. Oh boy I cant tell how excited I was!... Anyway, before headed to the game, he took me to the Harvard Univ. the one n only… very famous all over the world.. I heard about it a lot but yesterday I was there among the other tourists touching the Harvard’s statue for luck.. (that’s what people believe). It is Very nice campus with brown stone and classic buildings. We left home before 1.30 boat to Boston, Mr. Shea drove us to Hull harbor, I told him I will be on TV wearing big red hat among 34thousand people and I will wave my hand J , we got there on time 5 minute before the boat came so we didn’t have to wait under the bright sun… we had steak boom (huge long bread with peppers, onion, mushroom and beef inside) in the boat for lunch. It was my 2 nd boat ride to Boston so I wasn’t really “picture-crazy

My first 4th of July

It has been a week or so now we r staying at the Beach House in Hull… Summer is real hot like back home weather…   but at least we settle for a while…   same stuffs every day; wake up, have breakfast, beach/bay/ sunset, here n there random things to do, dinner then bed…   ah I feel   like a normal person again after a while..   4 th of July is American Independent Day, I heard about it in my history lesson but now I experienced it! first of July's Weekend, Everyone were here. Karen, Paul and Beando’s/ they came on Friday… the house became crowded but the more the merry… I’m glad I experienced real American family; live and interact with them. I’ve seen different people everyday, Shea keeps introducing me to new friends, cousin, uncles, 2 nd cousin, neighbors, etc…   I don’t even remember their name. the only one I remember is Wendy, nice neighbor who lives across the street. it’s part of experience I guess and this amazing trip.. the further you go the more people you see… which