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Baseball game Fenway Park - Boston

Kevin Joseph  Shea is the best bf ever… he keeps all his promises; baseball game this time, Yes we went to Red sox game in Fenway Park - Boston… huge baseball field, the one on TV, ESPN. Oh boy I cant tell how excited I was!...
Anyway, before headed to the game, he took me to the Harvard Univ. the one n only… very famous all over the world.. I heard about it a lot but yesterday I was there among the other tourists touching the Harvard’s statue for luck.. (that’s what people believe). It is Very nice campus with brown stone and classic buildings. We left home before 1.30 boat to Boston, Mr. Shea drove us to Hull harbor, I told him I will be on TV wearing big red hat among 34thousand people and I will wave my handJ, we got there on time 5 minute before the boat came so we didn’t have to wait under the bright sun… we had steak boom (huge long bread with peppers, onion, mushroom and beef inside) in the boat for lunch. It was my 2nd boat ride to Boston so I wasn’t really “picture-crazy’ but sat and enjoyed the ride. We took the train straight to Harvard University. I had quick tour here n there a bunch of pictures… one of the buildings was the church… stunning, beautiful classic building just like the rest of the campus brown, red-ish color. I saw some group of Japanese tourist with local tour guide and some tourists probably from Europe. I have my own tour Guide.. Shea! he wasn’t really good tour guide quick and fast for him everything is always in a rush….but it’s ok.
We went back to the train stopped at the end of the red line, we hanged out at Bertucci’s bar and restaurant, his friend Britt came to give us the baseball ticket.. oh very nice of her, She said “what else that Shea promised?” ahh  she reads my blog, so happy  to know people read my simple travel blog. Next we went back to the train..(back and forth, good thing we bought one day ticket so we can use it as many time as we want) . Shea wanted to see his friend Eddie in Pizzeria Uno bar and restaurant, they met, n talked they looked happy, … as I mentioned previous blog, I meet so many n different people everyday . but most of them are nice, I’m glad. They were talking but me sat there bored so I decided to go out to see the street n took some pictures for sure. I went to 7eleven (the most convenient small store everywhere in the world) to get BBQ potatoes chips and chick wings (my favorite junk food) and ate it on the street…
So many people walked to the Fenway Park for the game, I was somewhere in front of random stores eating my chick wings with a bag potatoes chips.. I’m sure may be some people who walked by might say “look at that Asian Girl eating chick wings, with a big bag of potatoes chips and dress up + sunglasses on” oh well, who cares I’m in a big city. I went back n forth to the bar but Shea was still talking to his friend. When we were about to go, one of his friend who work at Fenway Park called and offered us the EMC tickets, (EMC club is a nice and strategies place to watch the baseball, only members or rich people (I guess) goes there coz the ticket is too expensive, I think it is like VIP room). Shea was so excited as he has never been to this place before, he said “it's difficult to get this ticket”. I had a big bag of chip, leftover steakboom and a bag of cookies in my bag… Shea told me I couldn’t bring food IN.
I saw some big guys checking everyone’s bag but it was so many people come in so I sneaked from behind and managed to bring my bag in, we went straight to EMC room 3th floor, the elevator didn’t work so we had to walk… *painintheass  we got there.. it was very nice with restaurant  n bar and big screen TV but “hey, this is too nice, and this isn’t what I want, I need to experience real baseball game among those thousands of people sitting in a small square chair, cheering and yelling like everyone else.” I bragged my bf to go find our normal seats, we went down stair and he pointed our seats somewhere out there within thousands of people… I said “fine, that’s what I want…” it took 20 minutes to get there…” we found our seat… oh yeah “ I could feel it, the energy of those supporters, the screaming, clapping, swearing, etc…” I could feel it so strong so Fun.. but “I have no idea what’s going on out there in the baseball field.. I couldn’t see, things look so small .. but worse of the worse is I didn’t understand baseball, after tons of pictures I was like “what the hell am I doing here, ” Shea then explained it to me, now I got it.
We stayed there for half an hour then we went back to EMC room, I ate my potato chip, some guys looked at me, then I realized “Ooo Ooo I shouldnt eat here coz they don’t sell it they knew I sneaked the food”… I had a nice Cocktail and shea had 3-4 glasses of beer for FREE.. John is the bartender a friend of friend.. he gave us an empty bills.. he was very nice.. the drink I had was soo good… I couldn’t feel the alcohol but it was pretty strong. I  took a bunch of picture including the “world champion cup” they have in the restaurant, real deal t-shirt of the old player on the wall etc. so basically we didn’t really watched the game but busy walking around here n there.. we didn’t even know who won but I’m sure Redsox won. we left before the game finished because if was raining n delayed. Shea started talking sh*t  ahh he’s tipsy.
I felt dizzy myself… we went back to the train from green line to red line up and down the stairs.. we stopped at Quincy Center then waited the bus to Hingham for about 30 minutes… I was exhausted, the bus came at around 11.30 pm, I was surprised coz the driver was a mom, wow she is very brave driving that big bus at night.. (like Mr. Shea said woman nowadays wants to be the same position as man, so if they want to drive a bus there they go.. driving a big bus). It is very very rare in my country that woman drive a bus i saw a few but it was busway, nice public bus but their working hour is only day time). anyway, the bus was freezing, half n hour we got to Hingham, Mr. Shea was there picked us up, we got home arnd 12 midnight. We both exhausted and dirty form city…
What a long and fun day we had…. now I’m agree with Mr. Shea (Shea’s dad) “it’s so much better watching baseball on TV” u can see the ball, player and the run clearly than u see in the field, but hey what an experience I had I’m glad I did it.. everything is new for me coz this is my first time in USA. I love it and I enjoy every minutes of it… (one day I will look back to my travel pics and would say “I’m glad I DID it”)
Life is good here as a traveler!!


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