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New York City - first and Only!

Off we go! New York City this time!! This is the moment that I have been waiting for during this trip, NEW YORK!!! We planned to go there on Tuesday so late afternoon we left home to the train station, but on the way we were stuck in the traffic. So we missed the train... L The next morning Wednesday 13, we went at 10ish took train from Quincy station to Boston. Fung Wah bus was the one we took, so cheap $15 and it goes every hour. We left Boston at 1 and arrived in NYC at 4.30 the bus runs by Chinese guy I guess that’s why they dropped us in China town. Yes!  I wanted to see china Town, here we are!!! I was so excited to see Asian People and saw so many Asian restaurants. I spotted this Thai and Indonesia groceries, I was overwhelmed!!! Indonesian groceries in NYC oh u kidding me!! the store is very small but it has some Indonesian stuffs like soy bean sauce/kecap bangau, noodle, tom yum soup paste etc. oh I was so happy. i did shop a little but as usual, Shea my bf would get panic attack if I shop a lotJ.
We had late lunch in this Chinese restaurant just across the street, I had noodle with a lot of chili on it. It tasted soo damn good and spicy!!. Our hostel is in Bowery street which isn’t far from there so we walked and asked here and there. after 30 minutes walked we finally found the hoste. The girl who looks like Alicia Key (but in a big size, oh well so many African American girl in NYC looks like Alicia Key or maybe they just copy her style whatsoever) told us that we had to book it online. So Shea used their computer then booked it, we got the room, Such a small square room with two small beds. It looks like boxes jam together without ceiling. You could jump in to the next door room if you want.. what a shitty room we ever had during this trip but good thing it was clean!. We didn’t care just need to crush in for couple days.

We weren’t tired n decided to start the NYC exploration. We took the train to see statue of Liberty but we couldn’t get in to the boat tour coz it was the last and we missed it. so we just walked all the way to Manhattan city uptown and downtown. Passed Broadway then we went to see time square, a famous street in NYC where there are many things going on there! I saw it a lot on TV/MTV/ etc but I was there to experience it. the place was packed with people!!.  we walked and walked, took a bunch of pictures . Eve of American was next, we were looking for the Canadian embassy where I applied my VISA. We found it.. we went to Empire state building but didn’t go up coz it was too late. Couple hours we were there we walked all the way around Manhattan city here and there, we were walking for 8 hours or so till I couldn’t feel my feet anymore!

The next morning, we wake up early for the Canadian Visa, we left hotel at 7.30 took the train and we got there the line was already long! Those people were also applying just  like me!. we haven’t paid coz we thought we could pay it cash there but this Indian-Canadian officer  sent us out to get money order and put us to the back of the line! Damn.. another long queue.. it wasnt that bad thou.. we put the application in a seal plastic bag then they gave the receive and asked to come back then next day.. wow I was thrilled and surprised how fast it is! Visa done then off we go.. continued our NYC tour!! Yes I wanted to see it all!

All I could see was The skyscrapers  … I should put my head up to 110 degree in order to see the whole building… gee this city offers American dreams! This is the central economy of the world.  We walked n walked and walked for hours n hours.. get off and on the train.. we did things that we need to be done!! YES we have seen it all in fact we saw it twice!! Anything that NYC offers for tourist to see.. you name it! we did it!! statue of liberty, time square, central park, rockefeller plaza, empire state building, n ground zero (eks WTC), WFC, National Museum, Wall street, Donald Trump Plaza, US Court, China town-canal street, the bull, manhattan uptown and downtown etc etc many more!!!

At first Shea didn’t want to see the statue of liberty coz there was long line of people but then I insisted.. “I aint going anywhere until I see it!” then he gave up we took the boat tour. We were on the boat along with other tourists, I took a bunch of picture, NYC, New Jersey, Manhattan bridge, etc etc… they explained the history of each building, I didn’t pay attention but busy taking pictures…. It was beautiful!!! bright sunny day, blue sky, nice boat ride and amazing view. The tour was about 2 hours. it was great!!!. Off the boat then we continued walking!.. wall street to see those New Yorkers with nice suit everyone seems like in the rush, we sat in Central park for an hour, listened to a guy who play saxophone, eve of Americans walk along those branded stores which selling branded stuffs from Gucci, Prada, you name it they have it all. we saw a lot!! too  many to mention. I can’t explain it !!!

we walked from 7.30 till 4.30 took a train and boat, uptown and downtown Manhattan… we were tired, beat up! We decided to go back to hotel and had a nap. I was too tired to sleep, shea slept for 2 hours… then we hit back the road at 7ish.. I wanted to go up to the Empire State Building.. shea didn’t want to go coz he has done it but im going!!! So we went there… I went up myself queued for an hour. Shea went somewhere to see his friend. The view was magnificent! The NYC view.. the lights, high building, the bridge, cars, etc look amazing from up there… I took a bunch of picture… beautiful view.. I stayed for quiet long time, saw the city, the moon light and enjoy the breeze! i stayed as long as I could! “Now or Never”. When I felt I had enough then I went down.. , and met shea n his friend in this bar called Lucy’s. they havent met for 10 years and tried to catch up those missing years. They talked and talked, I was freezing…and hungry. We ended up eating the vendor street food but it was delicious! Or may be I was too hungry so everything tasted good!. it was 1ish am we went back to Hostel!!!
The next morning we woke up late, checked out then went to china town for brunch. We went back to the same restaurant we ate and I had the same menu. Everything is in a big portion here in US, the noodle I had was huge I couldn’t finished it… we also went back to Indo groceries store to buy some Indonesian stuffs and some ingredients for Tom Yang Soup… (I promised Mr. Shea to make him some) the Thai guy who owns the store was so funny… he made fun of me! most of the stuffs I ask “how much is it?’ he said “one dollar ninety five cents”. It has no tag price but all cost one dollar ninety five… ahh! Then he laugh.

The Visa’s schedule was around 1-2.30 pm, so we went there took another train arrived before 1pm but the line was long already… I couldn’t believe how long it took just to pick the Visa. There were about maybe 500 people in the line on Avenue of Americans. Those white collars looked at us and wonder “what the hell is going on?” they thought we were queuing for the food street vendor near the embassy. Some of them said “damn that food must be delicious”. i finally had my turn to pick my Visa… but guess what happened? Such a pain-in-the-a$$, we had to queue to get to the elevator  and another queue just to get inside the office then another queue to get the VISA, Thank’ s God my Visa is granted!! The line and hour queued was worthy!! Im going to CANADA woohoo…
Anyway, we went back to Canal street to the Fung Wah bus counter, we were so lucky coz the bus came late, we were so closed or else we would miss the bus and another hour waiting. The traffic on the way back was as bad as back home in Jakarta. It took 5 hours to get to Boston, the driver was young Chinese guy who talked on the phone while driving. we took the train back to Quincy and Mr/Mrs Shea picked us… we were tired, beat up but NYC is the headline of my US trip so far…. I loved it there!!! #Newyork-newyork I heart u


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