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My first 4th of July

It has been a week or so now we r staying at the Beach House in Hull… Summer is real hot like back home weather…  but at least we settle for a while…  same stuffs every day; wake up, have breakfast, beach/bay/ sunset, here n there random things to do, dinner then bed…  ah I feel  like a normal person again after a while.. 
4th of July is American Independent Day, I heard about it in my history lesson but now I experienced it! first of July's Weekend, Everyone were here. Karen, Paul and Beando’s/ they came on Friday… the house became crowded but the more the merry… I’m glad I experienced real American family; live and interact with them. I’ve seen different people everyday, Shea keeps introducing me to new friends, cousin, uncles, 2nd cousin, neighbors, etc…  I don’t even remember their name. the only one I remember is Wendy, nice neighbor who lives across the street. it’s part of experience I guess and this amazing trip.. the further you go the more people you see… which is fine for me. keep smiling and say “hi , nice to meet you”.
Anyway, it's been Fun experience so far.. Beando’s are cute n fun to hang out with, they all are good kids, we played cards alot, swam in the cool Bay, watched the sunset and firework, etc.  it’s a a bit hectic and I get used to it, it reminds me of my family back home.. but when I feel like to have my own time, I just escaped from them for a while in my room… then went back to them.. these people are good people… the neighbors are nice too. I’m glad I’m here and met them.
Independent day; Each houses has an American flag on it, some r small some r big… the beach become crowded and packed with people because it’s summer, this town became crowded too; more people and cars… Today is 4th of July; I’m excited and curious "what it is like???" The last 2 nights we have been watching the fireworks… apparently u have to have a permit in order to fire the fireworks… it is considering as illegal thing to do. unlike back home in Indonesia, you can do it anytime you want… 
Anyway; I woke up this morning and heard the national song from the playground… yes that was where the parade started it… they have a parade around Hamptons circle every years for the last 23 years… i think this is good and fun tradition, everyone gathers in the playground just right behind the beach house they all were wearing red, blue or costume which related to American flag. Some kids had face-painted.
Around 10ish everyone gathered sang the national song and prayed; then picture section...once the music started then they started the parade…. They walked around the Hampton circle, all those people who were wearing funky dresses! Read and blue! Only less than an hour parade but it was FUN! some neighbors were standing in front of their house… saying “happy 4th of July” everyone looked happy and enjoyed the parade…
When the parade was over, everyone went back to their home n continued partying… most of them were having barbeque… HOTDOG is a must for each houses… everyone ate hotdog I’m pretty sure they did, including us!!! I had one hotdog and salad! People were chilling, some went to the beach some stayed and grilling. Im sure they all have a good weekend and 4th of July. I just can’t stop eating.. food is such an addiction! Beandos, Shea and his mom went to the beach but I stayed… it was too hot! at 4ish I went to the bay joined the Sheas, again!! i swam.. the water was still as cool as ever…
5ish Things were slowing down little bit, some people left their beach house and heading back to the city coz tomorrow they have to go back to work…  but the kids are still staying I guess because this is summer holiday, no school for them! unlike Jakarta hot and humid..The weather is hot but nice… when the sun goes down the wild blows the heat and makes it nice n cold.. i can hear the birds sing behind the beach house..
Me n shea went to barefoot bar to have some chicken wings, i ordered buffalo as hot as possible. oh yeah it was hot hot... i couldnt finished it all. shea started talking to the guy who sat next to him and bought him beer.. i asked y? u dont know him.. he said he's a nice kid.. that's my boy!! Mrs. Shea called they were ready for bday cake, Dawn's bday is today (Mr. Shea told me, when she was a litte he used to tell her that everyone celebrates her bday fireworks and party everywhere...4th of July) we were in the rush to get back when we were about to cross the street  to the crosswalk (cars suppose to stop when people cross the road (thats the rules) this car was speeding and stopped, passed the cross sign, we did cross the street eventually but then the police stopped this car and im sure he pays the fine!!!
Dawn's bday cookies was good, we sang, i took some picture... 5 of her lovely kids were there singging happy bday to their mom.... all Beandos. what a nice bday! they went for ice cream but i have enough food for today... i ate alot yes i love eating!

Some of neighbors walk their dog morning and the afternoon, this girl who stays near the bay was passing with her dog wearing this sexy swimsuit or something like that... at first i said nothing but then shea was laughing, i asked why r u laughing at that girl? he said "did you see her ass". i thought it's ok here, it's America, u can do whatever you want... when i looked at the girl who was wearing swimsuit walking with her dog "ahh thats too much ass-showing, it looks abit nasty". Shea told me "wait until you see california's girls... " i cant wait!!! oh wow i consider this as apart of travelling.. see new things new sh#ts... sometimes it makes me laugh sometimes it makes me cry...
anyway, what a nice holiday and great summer… this is my first and only 4th of July n summer in USA. so far so good.. i enjoy it!
Happy 4th of July AMERICA!!


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