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Motherhood! I really enjoy being a mum, perhaps because my kids are young and I am  still in complete control of their life! their well being are depends on me as their mum. They said "Teach them what you wanted to learn when you were a little instead of give them what you wish to have" im not sure what I wanted or wish to learn. Perhaps Piano, I always wish I could be able to play any musical instruments or perhaps I wish I have the "people skill" how to deal with people as I was so shy. Most of those leaders aren't really the smartest but one thing they have in common is their skill of how to convincing or pursuing people! I know for sure the only precious thing I could give my kids is my time! playing and explaining thing. they are little so everything is new and there is always new exciting thing for them to know. like last week I told Zack we are going to have a walk to the hill next to little manly beach where there are little bunnies because Noah hasn
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US visit

It always feels good to be back to home sweet home, our visit to US was great, my good friends Claudia and her family came down to Boston to visit us. It was great to see her. she doesn't change or aged at all. we have been friends for 13 years now, how time flies. you feel old when you meet your friends who then have kids and you as well have your own kids, you were wondering where are these little people come from! they can be little but they are so powerful that can control your happiness and takes so much room in your heart. I love my children beyond word. It just felt weird, I have travelled a lot in the past, each time I wake up first thing I wonder was "where am I today"? sometimes it takes awhile to realise that I am a mum. Like some people said 'don't take thing for granted" I haven't had a peace time in the toilet for 3 years now since Zack was born. even when i do have my time then my mind doesnt and still wonder "what zack is up t

LAX - Logan

We stayed in LA for 2 nights just to rest, We stayed at the la Quinta hotel 5 minutes from the airport with shuffle bus in Inglewood street. It isn't the best part of LA neighborhoods but we care less as we need was rest. We all jet leg slept during the day and up at night. The second night we finally managed to put both boys to sleep then suddenly we felt the building was shaking. Sometimes after 14hours flights you might think you still feel like in the airplane. It took awhile to realize it was an earth quake! We rushed to leave the hotel I grabbed Noah and Shea carried 35 pounds zack who was still sleep. We took the stairs from 7th floor! When we walked out, the street was empty! No body felt the earth quake other than us and young couple from next room. The rest of them must sleep through as it was at 1 am. when it happened, both boys awake! That was it! Zack didn't want to go back to sleep and was up from 1am until 10 am! What a night!! I couldn't  believe how h


It has been a while since I posted my last blog. Here I am a mother of 2 very young boys. Yes I have another boy my precious little Noah! I love him beyond words. How amazing tiny little people takes so much room in your heart! I love my boys so much. 


Zachary Owen Shea, was born in Oct 4th 2013. He is our world and everything for us, we love him more than words cant explain. He is just beautiful mix of me and Shea. Last night we had diner and it felt weird but yet happy to see little me sitting with us in his high chair. He watched us eating, he drooled! I said "not yet bubba soon enough you will eat pretty much everything we eat" within just 6 months our life changed! Being a stay home mum of this gorgeous baby Zack is the best could happen in my life! We go outside everyday except when it rains, we stroll around the beach, enjoy the view, listen to  the wave, feel the ocean breeze, and birds singing! see him smiling is the medicine of the day! see him growing is the best achievement of my life! This is just random blog! My head is just couldn't think perfect words to convey how I feel while watching bubba rolling! yes it is apart of being mum! worry!

New episode

And finally we reached to this stage when the time and plans arent ours anymore, it is involved our little man, our beautiful baby boy who was born 6 weeks ago Zachary Owen Shea! he is beautiful baby in the world others isn't matter mine is the best. He is such a gift! shine sun! everything to us! how life changes in just one day! sleepless night, nappies, baby cry but best of all is the smile that bright our day. Babies are such a torture and why are they so cute? I didn't really understand how it feels like to be a mum until I have my own. It is just different, another whole story! I will not let anyone  harm him not even the wind! I love him so much. if I didn't have him this time, I would have travelled to Europe, we would have gone to US, I would have busy working, we would have had our own world-dining out, wake up late, shopping, dinner plan, pub (for Shea), etc. But these are nothing compare to what we have! we have a son! a beautiful mix son. He is Australian and

Walk thru Harbour Bridge

My full time job just required me to come 4x a week, i had Friday off last week and Monday off this week so basically i had long weekend! which is great so i could have some times for my self and write this blog. well i did work on Saturday part time job but just for 3 hours making $26/hours extra $60 to pay my phone bill. I call my family alot lately as i miss them more and more, this month i spent $90 for my Vodafone! I wanted to go to Brisbane as  have never been there but perhaps sometime this month or next month.  i cant stuck like this doing nothing but work -eat and sleep. I always end up feeling exhausted at the end of the day and refuse to do anything but sit in the couch and watch TV or sleep. Yesterday i drove to Neutral bay 20  minutes from Manly to see my work mate Maureen, i also met her guy housemate and we had lunch. It was nice. Hose is her housemate is from Mexico and his bf ( i forgot the name) is from Scotland. Everywhere you go in Australia, most of those