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Great Wall, Beijing China

Great wall
One of the reasons I came to Beijing is the Great Wall. Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Niagara Falls (Canada) and Great wall in China… are all amazing, one of the seven wonders in the world. I was ready by 7am, 280RMB ($45) is included Breakfast, Ticket, lunch and transportation. It was way worthy. I had egg sandwich and apple juice for breakfast. Some guests from the same hotel also took the tour. We were the first to be picked, the bus then drove around city and picked some other guests. There were probably 15 of us. It took about an hour and half to get to the Mutianyu Great wall (which is the best because it has some authentic/original parts)
I took this card, it was fun but pretty s
I sat right behind the driver as always and I love the bus ride. It was the view I didn’t miss, I can see Beijing as a whole city, country side and mountain. Crazy ride the bus goes 80-90km/per hour.. for such a big @ss bus. It was pretty crazy especially on the street of Beijing. I saw the city side busy traffic and everyone is always on the rush, I saw the farm and also the mountain, beautiful. On our way, the tour guide explained little bit history about the Great Wall. It is started to build 2000 years ago, during 30 dynasties. Hell what do I know about Chinese history, everything is in Google but the things I just knew; there were more than 1 million people died when they build the wall and they buried them under the wall that’s one of the reason why they called it “The Great Wall”. And the fact that I was about to hike the Wall with funerals underneath.

Mutianyu is the village name where the great wall is located. It has been rebuild by Government to make it easy for tourist to walk. The real great wall was too steep and slippery, it isn’t for tourist. There are 23 towers the first tower is still original and yes I went there. It is all the way up the hill, so we had to take the cart for 80 RMB ($18) pretty damn scary cos I hate the high. I met this Mexican girl who also came by herself. I was excited to find a friend who hikes the wall with me. But this girl was me 2 years ago… she was picture’s maniac. She took picture of every corner of the wall, hundreds of them. Guess who took her pictures??? ME!! 1, 2, 3, 4 or even 10 times is fine for me but not hundreds time. I kept thinking I have to run away from her or else I can’t enjoy the view of the Great Wall.
Thanks to this Indian Guy who also came by himself, he came and talked to her and I just ran, hiked far away from them, poor him. I saw him started to take pictures of her. Anyway, the Great wall was just amazing, centuries ago they built it, how did it happen. Breath-taking… from east to west as far as you can see… and it is on the Hills way up as high as the mountains. 
So steep!
I walked and walked then stopped to enjoy the view… the mountain, the fresh air, the heat. Words can’t really explain how I felt up there. I just finished 8 towers then I gave up. I was out of breath, feet sore, throat hurt, so tired. I had enough… I asked some tourist who made it to 23 towers. They said it is pretty much the same, so I didn’t really miss anything. I was there; I made it to the Great wall. Real traveler will not miss this seven wonder of the worlds, neither do i.

To go down the hill there are 2 options; take the same cart or take the speed slide way. I was kind of scared n I didn’t want to take the card either. But then I was thinking “Now or never” so I took the speed slide.. “Everyone can do it, why can’t I” it was fun. I was the first one who came to the meeting point. I finished an hour earlier than the schedule. We supposed to meet in this Chinese restaurant. I sat and waited for an hour before everyone started to come. I had hot jasmine tea. The food started to come once everyone on the table. it was round spin table where you can spin the middle part to get the food. so much food. I was just too hungry and tired. I didn’t really care about how much MSG they put in it. the food was so good I just ate and ate.
souvenir stalls 
We were all tired. I didn’t really care about the view home. my feet felt so sore and my throat hurt even worse. I couldn’t swallow… I was panic and asked the receptionist to write “ I need medicine for sore throat, fever and headache” she wrote it in Chines. I took it to the pharmacy and of course they understood. I still feel unwell. but at least I have the right medicine. 


  1. What a wonderfull journey thay you had made diah :D..
    It was amazing !!! I can feel and I can imagine your adventure !! Its crazy !! I love to read your blog !!

  2. hi Ganteng, thank you udah tetap setia baca my blog:) keep reading and happy reading


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