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Perth, Bambu backpacker

I haven't had time to update my blog, was busy travelling off and on the plane and buses with my heavy luggages. I dislike, I should have learned from experiences that travel light. I have probably 30-40 kilos; 2 loaded bags and one backpack. Anyway, city of Perth; it is such  a small city with small downtown... I like it no rush everyone is so lay back. so nice, I can walk pretty much everywhere end everything is walking distance. Well depends but I like walking. First day in Perth without wasting my time I went to down town to see the city. There is free shuffle bus everywhere around town it calls blue cat.  There is a shelter bus in front of the hostel so it was easy for me to go around.
CBD down town is where all the shopping Malls, offices and entertains are. It is located in Hay street and Murray street. I hanged out there 2 days in the row, did some shopping, ate, and enjoy the scenes. It is pretty much like shopping area where there are so many Branded store and coffee shop. I wasn't really interested going to the beach as I just came back from Bali so my short visit to Perth was good enough. Everything was good, food was great and cheap, as matter of fact it is cheaper than Sydney.
I'm going to share about my experience living in this backpack called Bambu backpack. It is located in Aberdeen st. It was the worse backpack ever, God knows.... The bed and the room were so bad, dirty, smelly, had no window nor ventilation I was the only girl out of 8 people in room no. 6. Left, right and infrint of the hostel are bars and pubs. And Yes the music plays all night long so laud. It was nightmare, I only could sleep for 3-4 hours. I stayed there during the weekend which even worst. Everyone is out, partying and drinking and of course most of them were drunk. They came back late in the morning, tune on and off the room light and laud. Woke me up many times, I couldn't sleep nit not until everyone else were  sleeping because there will be no sounds but still those guys were drunk and as what happen to most of thise drunk!!!, yes they were all snore so laud so bad such a night mare. I booked female room but they put me there.
Every Friday  night this hostel has private party for those who stay there. It has it's own Dj, music and party lights. Yes everyone was drinking... And half of them were drunk. Don't get me wrong every one was so nice, understandable; they live in backpack, work, travel, having fun plus enjoy life. Most of them were from Europe. I don't think any of them are Australian. They all backpackers.
I did survive and I'm glad I stayed. It was such an experience and i made some friends too. I left hostel at 4.40 in the morning. The airport shuffle bus I paid $30 return ticket did picked me on time. I should have leave at 7 since my flight was at 9.30am but then what's the point I couldn't sleep in the hostel either, I was thinking I could sleep in the aero plane.
I made it to the airport 4 hours earlier, as always ( I once had this experience, almost missed my flight because I came late, since then I always come way early ) the check in counter was not opened yet and it was still quiet. When you wait that long these technology do help a lot; Phone, lpad and iPod. Played game or read the news... Time goes quick.
This time check in I didn't have problem with luggages, I bought extra luggage online spend another $50 for last flights. I do hate flying but I have to get on the plane so I can see the world. It is always scary to go out of our comfort zone but that's how we learnt I guess.
Travelling is always exciting, you sometimes don't know what to expect. What I like most about travelling is to get lost. To explore and see new things, to meet new people, to witness events, walk as long as this feed can walk. Because I'm already lost in whatever new places I have visited. No rush to  go everywhere, no deadline to catch, no schedule, no appointment, no home, no certain destination you just go and go... . Until you have enough. That's what I call it fun.  That's how I enjoy life;) love it love travelling.


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