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Shopping at Local Mall, Beijing

The last two days In Beijing I decided to take it slow and enjoy the City. I cancelled to visit the temple I’m sure it is pretty much the same. I have seen the biggest temples in the world “Angkor Wat”. i wake up late, walked along the busy street of Beijing. I subway and bus it, so much easy to go around Beijing and it costs nothing. I went to “Silk market”, it is like MBK in Bangkok. Nice shopping mall selling fake stuff. But they look so real and so good. Any famous brand you could possibly find in one big shopping mall.

Most of the visitors are tourists. It makes the prices more expensive than it supposes to.  I asked this very nice bag, she asked for 650RMB or about $105, Man I can buy real stuff with that much money. I walked away then the girl started to scream 150 ($25)RMB… what!!! I decided to leave I can’t deal with this kind of market and I’m not good at bargaining. So basically you can kill off 90% of the price they offer the first place. The tour guide told us once if the seller asks for 200RMB then you can bargain for 20 RMB, crazy hey!
I left the market and spot this nice salon. i needed to get my hair washed. It cost 60RMB ($10), it was good like back home. I had no idea where I was. I was totally lost… I walked along the big street, passed big buildings etc. I found some nice posh malls where it sells branded real deal stuffs like Guess, Dior etc. I checked the price of Guess watch and it is more expensive than Sydney. I always wanted to buy a real deal watch, I will buy one in Sydney airport. I walked to another posh area of shopping malls and nice apartment. It has many western foods, I spotted Burger King and had it for my lunch and had Pho Vietnamese noodle, big lunch. It was like the best meal so far… just like I wanted it. Because when you walk to Chinese restaurant you don’t really know what to expect since everything written in Chinese
I decided to go back to the local mall in front of the Beijing Zoo. Some good stuffs cost only 10-150RMB (less than $20), with $200 I had, I shopped a lot. No hassle and struggle to bargain. i bought another suitcase and it makes me want to shop more. my last day in Beijing, I came back to the same shopping mall and shopped more. I might spend a bit of my saving (out of travel budget) but I’m happyJ
The backpacker comes and goes. I thought I would be alone in room 201 because everyone was already left but then another travelers came and another stories to share. 3 French girls (who just finish 2 months travel across China) and 1 Taiwanese guy (who just came back from his Europe trip), and they all are very friendly. I love staying in backpack/hostel. These travelers have their own story to share. It makes me realize there are so many travelers out there. They are just like me, they love travelling. Eating Mc. Donald, taking bus for 1RMB, subway for 2RMB, eating street food, etc… As long as we see the world. We don’t mind to rough it. 
Beijing is unique in its own way. I will definitely miss this city. It has 21 million population, it is the shopping paradise, the busy streets, working hard people, the language (I don’t understand), the street vendors, the Chinese music which play in almost every stores, the red bright sign, the smells of the food, etc… it is busy and it is alive. I heart Beijing. 

Ps: While i was shopping, i needed to go to toilet. and it was long queue just like any public places in Beijing. i was shocked to see the Toilet with no doors and so dirty. Yup they all pee with no door or in public. every girls in the line can see it. Nasty!!


  1. Besok kalau pergi lagi jangan lupa pakai pempers ya, jadi nggak usah antri pee.

  2. The malls in Beijing are attracting more and more attention. They are large-scaled, and are usually located near subway stations or CBD of a city. This is an article I wrote about the malls in Beijing.
    Hope you can read it and we may exchange ideas.

  3. Wonderful blog, for sure your idea is more useful for me. Thanks!

    Shopping in Bryce Canyon


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