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Travel day Jakarta-KL-Beijing

Otw to KL
Yes I HATE travel days.. it is always SUCK. I left my uncle’s house at 9am on Tuesday 4th Sept guess what time I got to Beijing? 4 freaking AM in the morning on wed 5th Sept. Jakarta doesn’t change it’s as traffic as before and even worse.. Goodness I’d never ever come back and live there. it drives me nuts! I took airport bus from Lebak bulus station for 20.000 Rupiah ($2.50), 2 hours to get to the airport, long queue in check in counter cos slow services. I was so hungry… and was craving for mie GM (one of famous noodle restaurant in Jakarta) I had noodle and order another fried rice to take it with to the aero plane since Air Asia doesn’t not provide you any food not even water at least you pay.

my room in King Joy Hotel, Beijing. China
I flew to Kuala Lumpur, transit for 3.5 hours. I wanted to drink but had no money. I couldn’t use Credit card at least I spend 20 Ringgit Malaysia. I didn’t need to spend that much but at the end I just bought random stuffs just to make up the amount so I can buy water. In the waiting room I saw 99% of the passengers were Chinese. Just like my flight from Sydney to Jakarta. the seat was such a tiny with no entertain. I sat next to a young Chinese lady with his chatty French bf. Damn it he was too chatty talked pretty much all the time and she was kind of quiet. If he speaks in his language I don’t mind but he speaks English with French accent. You know when you listen to the language you understood your brain can’t really ignore it. it keeps working and gives you headache. I was trying to sleep I wish I could say “shut up”
behind the hotel
Yes the flight was long and pain. My tiny pillow duck I put around my neck helped a lot. I had to sleep in such a tiny seat next to chatty French. I couldn’t move my legs, it felt numbs my back hurts. I kept looking at my clock.. and yes it felt like the time goes so so slow. I didn’t know it takes 6 straight hours to get to Beijing. I thought it is just another city in Asia which might take 2-3 hours like Kl or Bangkok. the flight was rough. The turbulences, I hate every minutes of it. i kept telling myself I shouldn’t wouldn’t couldn’t .. I wish I didn’t take this flight  etc etc… keep praying, and “Three little bird” by Bob Marley helped a lot too… “don’t worry about the thing, every little thing is gonna be al right” yes I listened to this song again and againJ
The flight landed on time, no different time between Kl and Beijing. 1.30 AM in the morning. Good thing I didn’t bring the luggage. I rush to long queue Toilet.  I heard about nasty toilet in China but airport one was ok. Another long queue in immigration session, the guy speaks Chinese and when I look around everything is in Chinese… oh YEAH!!!  IM IN CHINA BABY!!” those long pain flight suddenly gone… im excited.
first meal in Beijing, Roast duck
I saw these 2 Americans and asked if they wanted to share taxi. They have been travelling for 2.5 years and they were nice. We tried to ask the taxi driver if our hotels are close but unfortunately no. so I had to take taxi myself at 2.30 am in the morning. I would never ever do that in Jakarta. the driver bargain the price.. he wrote in a piece of paper 200 ($34), I wrote back 150 he draw a long line with his gesture, ah I got it, he tried to say it is far… I was smiling and thinking this is going to be FUN  I don’t speak the language they don’t speak English either. Just the gesture and  I don’t have to think too much. I said Ok to him. The road was big, long and empty.. yes I was 3 am in the morning. It was long ride… I kept my eyes on each English sign on the road. He pointed me the forbidden city the one I saw on TV and pointed some historical building I was getting excited. I saw the sign Meishi St. yes that’s the hotel St im heading to. He was so nice and asked here and there. he also walked me to the hotel. I tried to say thank you in Chinese. Of he asked for $50  I would have paid… he was nice and honest.
I couldn’t check in until 7 am.. but it was 4am already.. I could have waited for another 3 hours but forget about it. I need a room to sleep I had such a long day. I asked for any available room. Yes I got this room for 200 ($35). It is such a tiny room. I had a good sleep. pains are gone and I’m ready to go to see the historical city of Beijing.. Feel good if your dream come true.. yes it feels so good to know that my dream to see the famous great wall and forbidden city is about to come true.
And again I can say LIFE IS Good!!!


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