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Showing posts from September, 2011

Petco Park Baseball San Diego

There is no way or almost impossible to take a year off from work to travel without getting fire!, that’s why I take the risk, quit from my job then travel to see the world. We might be 1 in a million people who can do this. Well I met some travelers but they travel during summer or 2-3 months only. Life is about choices and I choose to leave my life, job , family and friends back home and TRAVEL. I just love it! i always mention “best year of my life” coz I know this ain’t happen again, I mean next time I can’t travel for a year without having a job, for sure I always keep travelling to see more. I add more countries in my next travel list. It has been 5 months or so I leave home and moved around, surprisingly I can survive without my phone, no Blackberry, sms or phone calls. But I become internet –jungky. I ain’t going back but im moving! Yes to a new country…. isn’t that cool! I’m going to move! Leave traffic, riot Jakarta (that I always love) move to one of the best cities in the

Mission Beach, San Diego

Mission Beach, San Diego it has been a week since we back from Las Vegas. We rent this small studio for $1500/entire month. Shea said it’s pretty good deal coz during summer the rent could reach $1000-$2000/per week, it’s San Diego one of the most wanted city to live in US no wonder the house/accommodation/place are damn expensive. Our place has small kitchen, stove, oven, big fridge, and the utensil I need for cook (pans/plates/glasses/spoon/etc) minus the wash dish-er.   Nice long sofa, flat tv, small toilet with lots of towel, Murphy bed (hidden bed on the wall), big long mirror from the closet. I’m happy with this place, I can call it home for at least a month,   I have n need privacy. The best of it is the location….it’s located between mission bay and beach, it is in peninsula, 2 minutes walks to the beach (beautiful white sand) and 5 minutes’ walk to the bay… I can see the beach and bay from the house. Beautiful!!!!   When the first time I got here, I was kind of dis-liked it no

Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas Boulevard Vegas will be our last city to visit in America, we will settle in San Diego for a month before our long flight to the other part of the world.. Australia!. Yes It has been 5 months now and I’m so use to it. In fact I feel   way older than I suppose   too. I have seen and learnt so much stuffs in each country and city I have visited and it probably takes 2 semester of History lesson to learn at school but I did it I saw it I felt it in this trip. I don’t feel any boundaries nor feeling inferior toward those western people. I have gained so much confidence especially talking and telling how I feel. I can talk and swear to anyone with as much confidence as them. I have learnt A LOT!The trip has been amazing, I enjoyed every single moment of my time even when I have to sit in Grey Hound bus for 17 hours. Last day in Vegas, no more buffet coz I didn’t want to hurt myself… too much food, I felt so greedy and thinking about people back home who lives under the bridge, hom


I woke up early on Friday morning, packed then we left for Vegas. We took express mini van for $35 each (good deal). Red line train to Union Station for $1,50.- each. The van left LA at 4 but we got to the station at 1ish. we had 3 hours to kill. I saw so many police officers or army walked around the station. Shea said it’s because 9/11, we sat in this small garden in the station, read book. I tried to sleep but two polices woke me up   n said “sorry mam, u cannot sleep here” opps!!!   4 o’clock the van came n off we go, 8 of us. 5 hours ride… the policy is “no food in the van” so we can’t eat. But the van stopped after 3 hrs ride then we could ate. We got to Vegas at 9ish then took another taxi to Rio Hotel. First I thing I saw was Casino on the first floor… I only could say “wow”.   it is a huge hotel, 3 towers and 2500 rooms. It took us 30 minutes just to get to our room plus we got lost. we have the best room ever during this trip (after Bangkok). twin beds, sofa, tv, etc.. and i

Hollywood Tour!

Hollywood Tour! (8/9/11 Thursday) Another Hollywood boulevard, but this time with Sav, my Canadian friend. I haven’t seen her for 3 years or so. It was so good to see her again. it is nice to have friend from all over the world. I set the time and place to meet. It was in Chinese theater. We took 2 hours Hollywood tour for $44, good deal. we sat in this open mini Van, there were only 8 of us and each one had headphone on so we could hear the tour guide. I felt like in the oven,   it was hot day. First the tour took us up the hill so we could see the Hollywood’s sign, ahh I could see it also from the Hostel so I didn’t take many pictures like everyone did. Then we went to Hollywood movie starts’ houses. Million Dollars house up the hill belong to famous movie starts/ singer such as Frank Sinatra, Julia Robert, Madonna, etc… and richy people in LA (Matthew Sica said 90% of them are rich but invisible a.k.a not famous or maybe they don’t want to :) Christina Aguilera From The beginnin

Universal Studio Hollywood: What a hell of a day!

Our second day was in Universal studio, dear friends of mine Claudia n Nicholas gave us 2days pass. We have planned this trip. I supposed to see my Canadian Friend Savanna, but she has already made a plan to go to Disney land. So off we go! We woke up so late, tired from the day 1. I actually woke up early at 8ish then blogging n surfing in internet. We left Banana Bungalow at 11ish. We walked to the Hollywood vine train station. $1,50.- / one way. We stopped in Universal city n took the shuffle up to Universal studio. Hundreds of people lined up in the entrance. First thing we did was “house of horror”, it was freaking scary! All kind of scary things from dead body, mummies, Dracula, skeletons, etc… plus the music background made it even scarier. No lights whatsoever but dark, black alley. I almost pee on my pants, screaming and closing my eyes. We were the first to go and it was not fun coz we the one who got the un-expectable surprises from any weird scary creatures inside!. Once w

Banana Bungalow, Hollywood Blvd

We r in Hollywood now, staying at hostel called Banana Bungalow. I never stay in hostel where we share room with other backpackers. I think this is cool. They come from all over the world; Germany, Australia, japan, etc. some are friendly some don’t. The room is clean with kitchen and fridge.   This place is way better than the one we stayed in New York.   It’s located within 5 minutes’ walk from Hollywood walk-in-fame / Hollywood vine and near the train station, easy access to everywhere. There is Mexican restaurant nearby, Chinese restaurant across the street, 2 blocks from hotel is Thai community. This is such a city I like. Some says LA is suck! But I think LA is Cool   n the gank especially the weather… suit me! We took a train from Solana beach / San Diego to LA cost $29 each, 2 hours ride…. I saw the view just like on TV, mountains, dry and beach along the way. I was excited! Coz I have never been on the train. I mean cross city train, we took another red line train to Hollywo

Our 1st and 2nd day in San Diego

The weather wasn’t really friendly in San Diego, it was cool and windy. First day, I woke up early around 7am… so did Shea, when I looked at the time it was 10am di Boston, that’s why ( about 3 hours difference). We had a walk all the way to Mission beach, many people did. Some were biking, rollerblade, jogging. The street is given after alphabet name, Loli and Yogi live in V (Verona) street, but our upcoming studio rent is in D (Dover) street. It was pretty long walk. We walked along the beach. The place is in peninsula between mission beach and mission bay.. just like Hull. It is beautiful; white sand, blue ocean, palm trees.. etc just like I saw on TV. No wonder why this place is pretty expensive. The dream of American living near the beach and nice weather! Anyway, Yogi cooked us our first breakfast, delicious. Loli’s friend was having birthday cook out. So we joined them, sitting on the beach and enjoy the ocean.   BBQ- Burger and Hot dog (so American), Brownie, cookies, potatoes