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I woke up early on Friday morning, packed then we left for Vegas. We took express mini van for $35 each (good deal). Red line train to Union Station for $1,50.- each. The van left LA at 4 but we got to the station at 1ish. we had 3 hours to kill. I saw so many police officers or army walked around the station. Shea said it’s because 9/11, we sat in this small garden in the station, read book. I tried to sleep but two polices woke me up  n said “sorry mam, u cannot sleep here” opps!!!  4 o’clock the van came n off we go, 8 of us. 5 hours ride… the policy is “no food in the van” so we can’t eat. But the van stopped after 3 hrs ride then we could ate.
We got to Vegas at 9ish then took another taxi to Rio Hotel. First I thing I saw was Casino on the first floor… I only could say “wow”.  it is a huge hotel, 3 towers and 2500 rooms. It took us 30 minutes just to get to our room plus we got lost. we have the best room ever during this trip (after Bangkok). twin beds, sofa, tv, etc.. and it’s such a big room too for $150/night. John, Shea’s friend booked us the room.  I wanted to see Vegas.. so I took long shower n dressed up. We went downstairs to see the “Voodoo” bar but we couldn’t get it coz Shea didn’t hv shoes on. Apparently they have dress code. So we went to Orleans Hotel where John stayed to get shoes n T-Shirt.. then back to Rio by the time we got there it was already 1 o’clock.. I was exhausted from the bus ride but still wanted to go to that club. We went back there but shut!!! I didn’t bring my ID. I couldn’t get it and had to go to the 13 floors but screw! I was to tired, I decided to go to bed but Shea stayed with his friends.

I know Shea stayed up till 4.30 in the morning, he was gabling. But lost $100 (that’s what he told me). I woke up so late, we had buffet in Rio, all you can eat for $25/each. It is world buffet, usually buffet is all about quantity with less quality but this one has both. The food was delicious. I had 8 plates my own and we ate a ton till we hurt ourselves. Shea ate a bunch of shrimp. Maybe more than 50… we sat there for 3 hours, it was way worthy with what we paid, it filled us until dinner. 3 pm off we visited John in Orleans Hotel, i wanted to gable so Shea taught me… we played “Black jack”, the only card I play. $100 coins, it was very good at the beginning. I won $85 then I cashed it. then Shea got his money back. But I wanted to played more so we did played more…but no more luck we had.. we lost, I mean Shea lost his $100.
It is so DAMN true that gabling is such an addiction. The more you lose the more you want to win and that is bad coz you never win.. that’s the whole idea of Casino.. “people come and lose their money”.  Anyway, We went back to our Hotel and first thing I did was looking for Black jack table. Shea was drunk and passed out at 9pm, I cant sleep at 9… it’s Vegas. So I went downstairs. But shut! I left my key, big trouble coz Shea was sleeping and I couldn’t get in. I asked the receptionist for another key,  I didn’t bring my ID. They send a security guy and opened the door for me but still I had to show my ID.
I got my key and problem solved, i found black jack table but it was for $15.. Orleans hotel has $5 anyway.. I took my chance, I gave my $45. I played for 3 hours and luckily we had a fun table. At first I won  $100 then I lost… (I should have stopped but oh well that’s gabling, u won’t feel enough and always want more). I kept losing then I decided to stop. I brought $55 (mean I won $10 for 3hrs time-not good).
3rd day, i woke up and all I wanted to do was gabling!!! I hate to lose, we had another buffet but this time is Orleans hotel. We moved hotel coz Shea’s friend has spare bed. The food wasn’t as good as Rio n it less expensive $15 each (we got what we paid). I wanted both walk around Vegas and Black Jack. So I did it both.. this time way worse coz I kept losing… the more I lose the more I want to play… I lose $150 within an hour in Orleans Casino.. I decided to quit. I took shuffle bus to Strips / Las Vegas Blvd (the hotel provides free bus) then I walked all the way till the end of the street… long walk n took me 4-5 hours walk.. but  I stopped many times.. do you know what I did? I stopped in every casino I saw on the street and played black jack.. OMG I was addicted to gambling and  I couldn’t stop. I played in every casino along the street, probably more than 7 casinos… and what I did was played for $10-$20 in each Casino and of course I LOST!!!.
I wanted to walk till Strates Spear building but I couldn’t make it coz I was too tired, the best of the best was the Pelazzo, such a big and beautiful casino. The hotel was beautiful like an modern Italy where they have this small river and people pays and enjoy the canoe…  there are so many big hotels along Las Vegas Blvd such us ; Treasure Island, Wyan, Trump, The Miracle, Venetian, Imperial Palace, Caesars palace, Ballys,  Circus-Circus etc…  plus Casino. 5 hours walk, I spotted this Mexican restaurant where only sells taco.. but all kind of taco. They all are Mexican, $2 Taco, not bad!!!. I did shop a little. i decided to stop walking and took taxi back to Hotel coz I was too tired. I had 2 coins for $5 so I gave another tried in IN Black Jack but again I lost! then we put another $80 but AGAIN!!!  we LOST!! damn I hate it:) and that was it… no more gabling in Vegas.


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