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Las Vegas Boulevard

Las Vegas Boulevard
Vegas will be our last city to visit in America, we will settle in San Diego for a month before our long flight to the other part of the world.. Australia!. Yes It has been 5 months now and I’m so use to it. In fact I feel  way older than I suppose  too. I have seen and learnt so much stuffs in each country and city I have visited and it probably takes 2 semester of History lesson to learn at school but I did it I saw it I felt it in this trip. I don’t feel any boundaries nor feeling inferior toward those western people. I have gained so much confidence especially talking and telling how I feel. I can talk and swear to anyone with as much confidence as them. I have learnt A LOT!The trip has been amazing, I enjoyed every single moment of my time even when I have to sit in Grey Hound bus for 17 hours.
Last day in Vegas, no more buffet coz I didn’t want to hurt myself… too much food, I felt so greedy and thinking about people back home who lives under the bridge, homeless. I couldn’t finish my food… Greedy one of the sins we human being do, isnt that true. anyway, I played no more black jack, no more gabling. I had enough. I’m in Vegas and that is what most of the people come here for “gambling”. I have done it, Im glad i did… “better regret thing I HAVENT done that thing I have done” coz that’s how we learn, grow and build character.

I took another shuffle bus to Strips / Las Vegas Boulevard, it is just one long main street where all the big hotels and fun stuffs r going on.  Yesterday I did half way, so to day I finished the other way. I walked through all the way to new york-New York. This time I didn’t stop in every Casino and gabling. I promised myself no more black jack. Not only party has theme, but also Hotels in Vegas. New York-New York hotel means New York city theme, big building jam together plus statue of Liberty just like New York city. It has big Roller coaster on top of the building. Paris hotel looks like little Paris with Eiffel tower, and classic European Building. Crystal hotel shapes like giant crystals jam together, it has this super cool restaurant inside shapes like a cage. Some expensive branded stores like Gucci, Guess, etc…. next is Excalibur; looks like giant cattle. Luxor has Egypt as the theme with big lion in the front and so many more hotels… these big hotels have its own unique characters. Beautiful inside with big casino and each one offers different deal started from the show, hotel discount and buffet.
I did and seen pretty much everything and took bunch of pictures. Boobies and butts are everywhere in Casino. The waiters usually dress sexy and each casino has each own costume like rabbits, footballs, angel etc . what I like from Casino is every time you play, you can get free drink/liquor/beer  as much as you want, no need to pay but gabling and give them  one or two dollar tips to make sure they keep coming. Well it make sense coz when you r gambling you are 80% lose, they make shit a lot of money. Well I’m sure they do  that’s why the business is expending . when I do gabling, I usually order Mormosa (orange juice with champagne) or beer (then I give it to Shea). 
Shea won $300 today, it made up our lostJ no more Casino at least till we come back to Vegas but I’m glad I tried it, i love it!. “you will never know until you try!!”. I bought some souvenirs.. and they are pretty cheap/reasonable prices. I found west cost is cheaper than east coast.. everything is damn expensive in New york  and Boston.. well except food coz it is always plenty in this country.  I saw green pepper 4/$1, while in East cost was $2 for 1… small things is a matter coz everything comes from something small.. right let see this way “99 cent wont be a dollar without one cent” hahah…
Anyway, we left Orleans after dinner around 7ish, took taxi to downtown for $31 (plus tips) and purchase Grey Hound Tickets to San Diego costs $106, good deal. But still long bus ride. we were sitting at the bus station waiting for our 12 midnight bus to Mission Beach San Diego… while Shea was watching for American football and me; writing my blog;) Oh Vegas!! Feeling bored, then I decided to walk to see more Vegas around the station, I walked to Plaza Hotel and across this huge hotel there is one block road, filled with casino and there were so many things going on..3 bands played, some people dressed like heroes, I saw some strips clubs, topless girl clubs, some vendors sell jewelry, painting, clothes etc. the amazing things I saw was this long road filled with beautiful colorful lights and they put this white ceiling 2 blocks long and it turned to be a huge long screen.. OMG I can’t describe it but it was amazing. They played music, bands on that screen we were all looking up, great screen and great sounds system… I could say WOW.. and sometimes they changed it into a night full with stars.. it was just AMAZING1.  I had a good time like everyone else! LOVE VEGAS!!


  1. souvenir yg dibeli memang murah2, tapi lihatlah labelnya, made in China.......... sama di Perth, sangat susah cari yg berlabel Made in Australia, kalau ada pasti hargaya mahal bokkkkk.
    But, namanya juga souvenir........enjoy shoping dan jangan bangkrut

  2. hahah bener bangat mbak, 90 % liat label souvenir made in China:)


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