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Petco Park Baseball San Diego

There is no way or almost impossible to take a year off from work to travel without getting fire!, that’s why I take the risk, quit from my job then travel to see the world. We might be 1 in a million people who can do this. Well I met some travelers but they travel during summer or 2-3 months only. Life is about choices and I choose to leave my life, job , family and friends back home and TRAVEL. I just love it! i always mention “best year of my life” coz I know this ain’t happen again, I mean next time I can’t travel for a year without having a job, for sure I always keep travelling to see more. I add more countries in my next travel list.

It has been 5 months or so I leave home and moved around, surprisingly I can survive without my phone, no Blackberry, sms or phone calls. But I become internet –jungky. I ain’t going back but im moving! Yes to a new country…. isn’t that cool! I’m going to move! Leave traffic, riot Jakarta (that I always love) move to one of the best cities in the world SYNDEY! (or maybe San Diego) since I have the options!  (always have to seek for a better life), I know it won’t be easy but when I put my mind into it  I won’t give up! I won’t wait when it’s the time to work “nothing comes when you wait except bus!
OMG 10 days left in San Diego then we will fly to Sydney, Australia! I’m so excited as I always do. it will be another long flight across the continent. I will be so close from home. i finally can sit back and relax here in Mission beach San Diego. I just love it do nothing, wake up late, watch TV, cook, bike and walk on the beach when I FEEL like! Isn’t that nice you do things just when you feel like it! no pressure nor deadline etc. I LOVE it! nothing in this world that can’t buy with money but TIME! time to sit and relax with-out any pressure or thinking anything but enjoy the day, even those richy and famous people! (or maybe I’m wrong, forgive me!)
I can’t wait to make Dollar, the world currency! I made Rupiah it’s same like rupee…. I worked my ass off and still make so little money! I dream of having those dollars as my pay check and travel to Bali or Bangkok! and having a good time. Money surely can’t buy happiness but it makes things easy!  Once I start working I won’t stop till I have enough. I do believe what you have now is the result of what you did in the past! 
San Diego; I have meet new friends and new acquaintance, I Love Yogi and Loly they are the best. some people nice because they have to be nice or pretend to be nice but them are real nice! (now I understand why Shea told me once “they are the nicest people in the world I met” Steve and family are nice people too… I just can tell! As I travel a lot and met more people and I learn more.. especially “characters”, just like my counterpart Claudia, she is born to be nice and happy! it is just the way it is. I envy those who has such a strong character, sometimes it takes time to like someone I mean new friends who has such a strong “characters”. Anyway, we enjoy our time in San Diego, Shea surfs everyday just like he wants it, hang out we Yogi and Loli and shea’s friends. As usual, I met new people I don’t even remember the name! Steve (Shea’s friend) ‘s BBQ was fun! good food, cutie kids.
Last night we supposed to stay in one of Shea’s friends Jeff’s house, he lives in downtown of San Diego. Me, Shea, Loly, Yogi, Steve and family watched baseball game at Petco park. It was FUN! baby Shea and Hanna (Steve’s kids) are cute and always happy! the weather was cool, a lots of people.. I don’t even know who won last night but I knew I had a good time. we cancelled the stay over at Jeff’s house coz his Baseball team lost so it wasn’t good! that’s why I love Boston, people there has such a strong character; such us toward sport. They LOVE RedSox so much, they live with it!


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