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Banana Bungalow, Hollywood Blvd

We r in Hollywood now, staying at hostel called Banana Bungalow. I never stay in hostel where we share room with other backpackers. I think this is cool. They come from all over the world; Germany, Australia, japan, etc. some are friendly some don’t. The room is clean with kitchen and fridge.  This place is way better than the one we stayed in New York.  It’s located within 5 minutes’ walk from Hollywood walk-in-fame / Hollywood vine and near the train station, easy access to everywhere. There is Mexican restaurant nearby, Chinese restaurant across the street, 2 blocks from hotel is Thai community. This is such a city I like. Some says LA is suck! But I think LA is Cool  n the gank especially the weather… suit me!
We took a train from Solana beach / San Diego to LA cost $29 each, 2 hours ride…. I saw the view just like on TV, mountains, dry and beach along the way. I was excited! Coz I have never been on the train. I mean cross city train, we took another red line train to Hollywood vine. Out of the train, first thing I saw was movie maker machine or whatever you call it in the station as a decoration. Then walk-in-fame, so many stars all the way along Hollywood Boulevard. Wow, I was so excited!! I spotted Adam Sandler, Reese Witherspoon and Shania Twin… and bunch of stars I didn’t know. I also can see HOLLYWOOD sign on top of the hill.
Loli and Yogi lent us their small suitcases, it helps a lot coz we don’t have to carry our bags. In the Hostel; It has bunk-ing beds. When we check in, they gave us the sheet, blanket n towel. Then we have to make our own bed. There are 8 beds in our room it means we share with 8 backpackers. Sounds scary but most of them are girls and they are pretty neat, clean and friendly. Our second night we share with boys and 2 girls. Most of them don’t stay in the room for long just like us, we need a bed to sleep only, during the day they are somewhere exploring the street of Hollywood and during the night they are out partying. This hostel always has things going on every night. It has café, Movie Theater, internet, bar, basketball field, pool etc. So those backpackers are having lots of fun… partying, drinking and hang out with their new friends. Last night they gave us free pizza ( pretty damn good ) with salad and chips. On top of it was FREE BEER for everyone. It says on the board drink until you drop! The band played for free. They party all night. I was too tired! And crushed early, I didn’t care!
We pay $34 each, $68 for both / night. We could have upgraded to a nicer place paying extra $40 but we r traveler… this is what we like, meet other young travelers from all over the world and share stories. I think this is the coolest Hostel ever.
We arrived around 11ish, changed clothes and off we go to Hollywood Boulevard. First time and ever.. we walked all the way around and read one by one the stars. I took bunch of pictures… only the movie stars I like such as; bob Marley, Rod Steward, Celine Dion, Frank Sinatra, etc. we spotted 90210 shutting their new episode on the street, we saw nothing but the buddy guard. There are so many stores sell souvenir and clothes stamp Hollywood and LA for a good price, some stores are selling weird stuffs, tattoo shops, bars, theaters, etc you name it! they have it!. Kodak Studio -  I saw it on TV so many show hold there, and the famous of all was Chinese theater. It has autographs in stone, the finger and food print of some famous movie starts. We have seen it, we walked for 5 hours, beat up and tired!
Good friend of Shea, Matthew Sica who I met 2 years ago in Bali came and picked us around 7pm. He showed us around Sunset strip (I couldn’t see much because it was dark) and Beverly Hills, packed there and we walked along the Rodeo streets. We had like a small tour; expensive stores, restaurant and Hotel where Hollywood movie stars like to hang out and shop. All famous branded; Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Guess, Luis Vuitton, Versace, cost a lot of money!  You name it, they have it all. Beverly Four Season Hotel is where “Pretty woman” took their scene, such a nice and luxury Hotel. About an hour tour then we went to Candy Potts. It is a Restaurant and Bar which has this artificial bull to ride. Shea was having a glass of beer then we went to another bar 5 minutes’ walk called Cab Cantina. They offer good deal; buy 1 bear get 2 and taco for $5 but u can eat all night. I had beef taco, it served with bean and rice. i have been eating Mexican food since the first day we arrived. It’s delicious. We had a good day!


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