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Universal Studio Hollywood: What a hell of a day!

Our second day was in Universal studio, dear friends of mine Claudia n Nicholas gave us 2days pass. We have planned this trip. I supposed to see my Canadian Friend Savanna, but she has already made a plan to go to Disney land. So off we go! We woke up so late, tired from the day 1. I actually woke up early at 8ish then blogging n surfing in internet. We left Banana Bungalow at 11ish. We walked to the Hollywood vine train station. $1,50.- / one way. We stopped in Universal city n took the shuffle up to Universal studio. Hundreds of people lined up in the entrance. First thing we did was “house of horror”, it was freaking scary! All kind of scary things from dead body, mummies, Dracula, skeletons, etc… plus the music background made it even scarier. No lights whatsoever but dark, black alley. I almost pee on my pants, screaming and closing my eyes. We were the first to go and it was not fun coz we the one who got the un-expectable surprises from any weird scary creatures inside!.
Once we passed the mummies section, I took some pictures then suddenly the mummy screamed said “no picture guys!!” I was like “ahhh the mummy can talk” i felt no longer scare coz there were only people inside.  But I ran to the nearest exit door and walked out of the building! We almost finished it but we had enough and it was pretty scary. Next we went to Simpson ride, 30 minutes queue… 8 of us sat in this Simpson’s car, we were in this small room then when they started the ride, the car went up I was like “oohhh shut!!! This is it!!” big screen 3G..real big, you could feel the ride ups and downs. I closed my eyes the whole ride. It was silly of me! it was only the car shook but the whole screen made it even worse! it was only in my mind!

Then we went to Jurassic Park, it is in different section. I didn’t go coz I was still shocked from the Simpson ride. Beside this is a real ride in a small river where the boat was actually moving. I had no idea what was inside but Shea told me it was great!. And they all got wet for sure. The Mummy! I didn’t go either. Shea told me I would have pee on my pants coz it was pretty scary. I had no idea what was inside. The Universal studio tour was next… it took an hour tour, pretty long. This long open train took us to the real studio where they make the movie. It was so much fun! The house, the cars, the lake etc were fake. I couldn’t believe when I saw the place… it was such a small scenery. The ocean of “shark” movie is actually just a small handmade pond. “Desperate housewife’s” house are just couple houses with no furniture inside. It wasn’t as nice as the one I saw on TV these smart people behind the scene makes it such a real one. I could say wow. The King Kong and mummies 3G was such a cool n the gank. The whole things were great! Two thumbs up to whoever came up n created these whole amusement park ideas.
The Transformer 3G was freaking Cool, real Robots, big screen!!!... We got soaking wet in “ water world” show coz they sprayed us the water. Just like the movie, these people made such an amazing show, the fire, gun shut, speedboat etc… were real. Last show we did was the “Shrek 3G”. I took a bunch of pictures… I got picture of Sponge bob, the Donkey and the Shrek… what a childish and  what an excited day we had. Shea was way excited than me Just like 10 years old boy. He tried it all. The park closed at 6pm, we stayed for more than 6 hours, tired, bet up but we had a great fun. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs Drollet for the free tickets. J


  1. So happy u liked it !! M and Mrs Drrrrolet hehe !

  2. we had a great time and we loved it thank you Mr/Mrs. Drollet luv u both xox


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