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Showing posts from June, 2011

Sunny day in Hull ( Real summer )

Sunday in Capecod, I joined Shea’s parents, Karen n Paul   to see Hyannis Dentist-Paul’s new office for the second time, then Mr. Shea wanted to have some sweet so we went to this candy store… I tried some, they all look good varies from chocolate cookies, jelly beans, candy, etc… , the next door is Christmas store, Karen took me there; like she said “they all junk that we don’t need to buy but everyone who comes there always buys something., when I came in… ahhh i understand why??  there are so many interesting cute things like candle holder, rainbow pillows, colorful mugs, etc. they all cute n make us want to buy them!! Next ; my JFK tour, Mr. Shea is such a funny n cheerful guy, he is always in my team. I wanted to see the church when JFK got married, on the way he pointed random churches and said “that’s the church when he got married” hahaha..   I answered “No, I saw it already, it’s white church” he also pointed random house then said “that’s his house” J . first they took me to

P-town n Boat Ride #30 Cove Rd Cape Cod

Friday at #Cape Cod, we woke up late… we r normal person now n no more jet lag. We sleep for 6-8 hrs/day. We went for morning walk in the wood with Paul. It was great exercise.. I haven’t done such a thing for a long time last time I was in the wood in 2005, 6 years ago. I felt good and I liked it. the weather was nice, no humidity like Jakarta and the wood is a save place. Back home it’s very danger if u don’t know where u r going coz tropical forest has everything on it from wild animals like tiger, wild pigs, poisonous snakes, monkey, spider, u name it… it’s all there. Paul is a real biker, he could bike from Boston all the way to Cape Cod for miles n miles. He has all the possible toys man has such us; a dozen of bike (some of it cost thousand Dollars), boats, and his Porsche. I have seen some expensive cars on the road but I’ve never known a man who has it. just like having celebrity as your friends, you r excited to see them. it’s a real deal Porsche… super cool. Anyway, Paul n K

Karen n Paul’s house Cape cod # Sandwich…

Karen n Paul’s house Cape cod   # Sandwich… Cape Cod is where we r at now… Thursday morning when I woke up at the beach house I didn’t hear baby Olivier .. oh they ve gone back to Canada… I miss him already.. it was shitty n rainy day, me n shea had our morning walk.. we’ve been doing nothing but ate and slept.. I have started to have this belly… OMG, I’m getting big. but still on the way home I insisted to stop n buy chocolate cookies.. it’s so delicious and cheap only $3 /bag. I don’t eat it right away but one cookie everyday or sometime one every 2 days… it feels good when I have ready stock and can eat it whenever I want. A man who walked behind us was laughing coz I was exercising with a bag of cookie. Mr. Shea drove us half way then Karen picked us somewhere near the market… it was such a bad rainy day. We went to see Paul’s Office at Hyannis, a nice big and brand new clinic with all the Hi-technology tools. Paul gave us his office tour.. it was amazing how they change everything

Boston & Counterpart

June 23, 2011: First day with Claudia and family was great, we just stayed at home and relax, Claudia wakes up early based on the baby schedule, i made them scramble eggs and burn toast. They said “very good Diah J ” it is nice to have a complement when u cook it makes u want to cook more:) . We decided to stay in Hull n enjoyed the beach and sun.   at 11ish we all went to groceries and did some shopping for 3 days, finally I got the change to do shopping but I wasn’t as excited as before because there were so many varieties of food and I didn’t recognize it. it was hard to find things I need like rice, noodle, etc… back home I could find things I need easily. They don’t have fresh hot red chili and most of the spices are in the plastic bottle, ready to use. I like real spice I don’t mind to grind it. by the time we got home it was already 12ish and we all felt hungry. We had salad for lunch, we went to the beach n enjoyed the sun. I was ready with my bikini, it was a beautiful day, t

Hull-Worcester-Rutland n back to Hull

I’ve   been moving around in 3 different places within less than 2 weeks n met new people everyday, Worcester for couple days, Rutland and now back to Hull… and more way to go. Crazy hey! There is always up n down of life and I believe I’m in that point when I feel I have enough n too much and just want to settle for a while then ready to roll I need a break, sit back n relax! Worcester was great... I’ve seen the city and it’s nice, Shea always denied n said nothing to see in this city but I think there are so many beautiful and good places. One will never realize how good his city is till someone’s eye sees it who has never been there. I’m sure those people in Bali will say “same beach and same stuff” but since they were born there and see it everyday they never think how great and beautiful the beach is…. I’m mellow and love fiction girly novel, I love nature… trees, birds, flowers, lake etc… it’s nice to be awake and listen to the bird singing… to see those beautiful flowers bloomin

Worcester #the tours

We left the beach house on Sunday afternoon about an hour ride to Worcester, Shea told me the city is bigger than Brisbane, I havent been there yet… Hockey Game 6 started at 8pm. we went to Banner… I wanted to have chicken wings, 10 cent chick wings after 6 o’clock… we ate tons of it.. so good n so cheap… we went to the bar at 3ish..i had a walk around the corner but nothing much to see so I went back to the bar, i couldn’t wait 5 hours for the game so I decided to go back home with Mrs. Shea. She asked me if I like ice cream., hell yes who doesn’t like ice cream J , she took me to this store near the condo… so many variety of ice creams.. She suggested to try "banana split" i was like "sure, I’ll try everything"… we do have banana split back home but compare this one… holy cow!!! It was giant banana split.. I was shocked to see big!! With three flavors; chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream and peanuts on top so good. It was a great treat J Anyway I

Hull #raining...freezing cold!

i always have to look at the date or time coz i dont know what day, date and time it's not a matter for me anymore coz im on vacation!!!... sometimes i need vacation from my vacation... i miss to go to work. but hey...all good!! i see n learn new things everyday. it has been 5 days in the States n i love it!. things are way more organize than Jakarta or any cities I have visited but the weather is still damn cold. Hopefully it will be sunny next week. i love the colors of flowers in summer.. beautiful. Another Sheas’ family I met was Karen n Paul,,, I love them, they r super cool people… even buddy is cute…I like Karen’s fashion… so stylish. I dream of being a stylish mama in the future coz I think out look is important J . Always nice to see someone with a nice outlook isn’t it? But it’s all depends on each person… when Kevin first came to Jakarta he had all his baggy n big clothes from 1980s… I had to drag him to the clothing stores in Blok M… and bought the latest T-shi