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Hull-Worcester-Rutland n back to Hull

I’ve  been moving around in 3 different places within less than 2 weeks n met new people everyday, Worcester for couple days, Rutland and now back to Hull… and more way to go. Crazy hey! There is always up n down of life and I believe I’m in that point when I feel I have enough n too much and just want to settle for a while then ready to roll I need a break, sit back n relax!
Worcester was great... I’ve seen the city and it’s nice, Shea always denied n said nothing to see in this city but I think there are so many beautiful and good places. One will never realize how good his city is till someone’s eye sees it who has never been there. I’m sure those people in Bali will say “same beach and same stuff” but since they were born there and see it everyday they never think how great and beautiful the beach is…. I’m mellow and love fiction girly novel, I love nature… trees, birds, flowers, lake etc… it’s nice to be awake and listen to the bird singing… to see those beautiful flowers blooming, the sun, green trees, I admire the nature more than big city…  
Anyway, shea  gave  me a short tour In Worcester from the city, universities, lake, woods, etc.. it  was nice. We stayed at his mom’s condo for 4 days. i met some of Shea’s childhood friends and they all are nice and fun. Bruins won the Stanley Cup and everyone was cherish and happy. Im glad I went to that bar to watch it with others fanatic fans and felt the happiness and positive energy from everyone in the bar… there were screaming, hugging, singing out loud felt like at a zoo crazy… but it was great FUN.. and those people are fun!. I met his cousin Angela she is a firefighter and very nice. Shea was too excited to go home and I couldn’t make him leave and Angie gave me a ride, showed me her fire station and made sure I was at home safely. She is cool…
I like the idea of one dollar store when they sell one dollar stuffs, I went there once got some headband.. nothing much u can buy coz it’s one dollar. I’ve been to some markets with aunty Anna and I love it! i just haven’t had the chance to shop and I cant wait to do groceries… 
Anyway, we moved to Rutland, Dawn’s house, shea’s oldest sister. The town is very nice, less people. She lives in this nice neighborhood, big houses, big back and front yard and friendly people. it  is very family oriented. Her kids are adorable and fun, Shea is the teenage boy, Shaynan is the gorgeous, beautiful and very helpful…I really think she should try to be a model, John is the tricky, long hair and loves to play monopoly, Jake is so cute, innocent, super nice (seems like he has no evilness side) so cute so pure and so innocent boy and the blonde Jill, shy and always sticks to her mom’s leg. They all are blessed and bright the days…  soon it’s about the time that they will grow and have their own life, busy and being a person… oh I wish kid stay as a kid!!!  l love kids. I met baby erick and he is so cute…  so cubby and so energetic. See!!!! everything I have seen for the last 2 months of this trip is just a flash… but story left behind. I can’t have it but I only can see it and it goes so fast…  that’s y I crazy picturing everything which might help me in the future to recap my great time in life “this trip”
The first day we were there, Dawn had 12 little kids with their mom, they have these babies n mom’s social time or whatever they call it. second day we went to see the kids' baseball game from Jake-jill and shea...Jill's game was so cute..those kids are really small and so young. I think Dawn is amazing and super mom,she is a great planner… plan the whole day, meals, schedule, etc… 
5 kids with all their different schedule… *fiuhh what a day!!! I think she is a full time worker with unpaid but loves and bless from her kids. Nothing can make you happy but watching your kids grows and make sure they have enough love from you. What an amazing job!! I bonded with her kids easily and they all are nice and good kids. we played cards, WII etc.
Anyway, we stayed there for 3 days and back to hull… on top of all is Claudia.. my dearest old friend from Canada Youth Exchange program who I haven’t seen for almost 8 year came to US to see me.. what a great day and trip I had… oh I can’t ask more than this but Thank you to ALLAH… She came with her little baby Olivier and her husband Nick. I was so excited, touched and so happy till I cried when I saw her!! Dream came true… i knew it the day will come and I will see her again coz I set my mind in to it! it was nice reunion she looks the same and nothing chance except  she has her gorgeous baby and her nice husband Nick. Im glad she is the same person I knew 8 years ago. We were so closed and best friends ever since we met and kept our friendship till nowadays. It is so good to share certain things in your life with certain people who know you coz I found it difficult to find a good friend this day, the older you are the hardest it will be!!! u can find acquaintances anywhere but real good friends who stay there for you.. is hard! Olivier is so cute and beautiful baby, oh he wasn’t there long time ago… now he’s there.. isn’t it amazing how we woman can carry the baby and deliver a life.. it’s what we call it “mother” I don’t know how it feels like but I believe I can feel it. he is so pure, innocent and so fragile. Anyway, we went back to Hull with them, Shea’s parents let them stay at their beach house… what a nice n lovely people they are… they don’t know them but they let them stay… I’m so blessed to be surrounded with these nice people.
we left dawn’s house at 2ish and got to hull at 4ish.. we talked and talked… we talked till 10ish to catch up those lost years we have missed and told each life story…  it was so nice, I do believe I change little bit as everyone changes but just in my vision and ambition about life.. it’s nice to have those dreams it keeps you alive! Imagine one who has no dream!! . Oh I was tired but excited!!! We had Mc. D for lunch and noodle for dinner… I miss my Asian spicy food. Everyone had sandwich as I’m not a big fan of bread so I cooked my own noodle.. Shea’s dad came from chines restaurant and brought me a box of chick wings. OMG what a treat I got, I was so happy. The chick was real spicy. He is so nice, funny and cool Dad-in-law wannabe. He’s my favorite…  I kept some in the fridge and will eat it again today… chick wing is yum… me n Claudia were talking for hours n had a walk… we were tired but happy… what a day!!!!


  1. kelihatannya asyiiiiiik ya, ketemu teman lama,
    Wah...wah ....wah...... kayaknya calon mantu pilihan ayah nih........haaaaa......

    to be continue miss MD ?

  2. Sounds like you are having a blast! But Busy!!! We will relax this weekend when you come to the Cape. Paul wants to show you everything! But we will relax! It sounds like you need it!

  3. everyone says Cape town is a beautiful town,,.i dont mind to have a tour i want to see everything:)i will love it. thank you Karen


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