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My SS students back home

It has been a month im on the road, left my family, job, friends and most of it is my comfort zone; my small and confi bed, my little small start classes, my co-coworkers, etc. I do miss my life back a month ago in Jakarta especially my little students. I love kids and I always do. I used to work in a company for 4 years and I hated it. I guess I love teaching.. it’s in my blood since my grandpa, aunts n uncles and even my mom (used to be when she was young) are teacher. my friends say “I cant make a living by being a teacher” , sad but true. That’s one of the reasons why I took my master coz i think if u r educated u always can make a living. I believe of higher education can make a change In a woman life. I can’t imagine if I have to sit around and do nothing it will drive me nut. And of course I do love traveling, there are so many interesting things out there I want to see. My friends sit in their office with their comfort life for sure but me and my bf are travelling around n enjoy life n think less abt what r we going to do when we out of cash… no worries coz we do things that people won’t do. We r determined persons n will do action to make things happen.  There is always a limit of everything. I’m sure there is a time when we have to work hard back to a real life. When I decided to leave my country for this..  a dear friend of mine Michael who is also a traveler wrote me
-I love to travel. It`s my dream. If I didn`t follow my dream, I think I would be miserable and unhappy. When you`re 80 years old, you want to be able to look back on your life and smile, right? I`m much happier traveling and seeing new countries than I am in an office..  
I have done things that it supposed to be done, I have good time in my life so far. Hey I have done my higher education (the most important thing which make my parents so proud of me), I have worked long enough, I have sit my @$$ in an office and did things I didn’t like but Im glad I did realize it before it was too late.. that’s why I keep saying I’m doing good so far, I don’t complain and always try to see things in a good way…I’m positive person, coz basically we r good people, our mom taught us to be good. “there is a will there is always a way”
Anyway, I do miss my students… here are my favorite little students who always in my mind and make me laugh every time I think about them:
-Lexan: what an adorable little fat baby, he is one of my favorites; I like his sense of humor. Well behaved and always tried his best to win my attention. He always has my attention. One day he hid his pencil under the book then asked me “Ms. Diah..where is my pencil? I don’t have pencil”.. ‘ahh I knew he did it on purpose so he could laugh at me. he always made me laugh.
-Arza: he is the smallest students, he looks just like her mom, his small teeth, small eyes, small nose and those small smile..oh such an adorable one, first lesson all he could say was “in the box” everything is “in the box”. But then he got it he improved a lot, he did the task well even he always be the last who finished and sometime we had to wait till he finished then we all could go home otherwise he would cry if I didn’t wait and gave him sticker. Oh they all loved my sticker and a smile face sign I drew in their book
-Idam: he’s got the look, he’s one of the smartest and always finished the task first, I could see his glory smile. He sometimes got bored of the lesson bcoz he thinks it’s too easy. His mom is the only mom who always peeps in the window every ten minutes just to make sure I treat her son well. One day idam came late, all his friend sat in one big table and he sat by himself in other table, the end of the class his mom came to me n asked “why my son sat in different table”.. Idam never put his bookwork back to his bag after the class unlike every students, one day I noticed that he always gave  and show it to his mom what he has studied… ahhh. Ah that’s y… but most of his work got “excellent” sticker.
-Nicko: he speaks English with java accent (java is language of local people from java like jogja, i couldn’t understand coz im from other island of Indonesia, we speak malay which similar like Malaysia that’s why I understand perfectly Malay language) he is smart, did his task well. He is well behaved kids. I cant say much about him coz he was always goodJ
-Yoo Song: a Korean kid, he is definitely the smartest one, he is older than anyone else in the classroom, when he got bored he teased his friends and made fun of them, he has these good color pencil that made everyone wanted to borrow, he was a nice kid too. I really think he should be in higher class.
-Aira: she is an angle, she is lady like and mom’ daughter, she behaved well, talked well, everything she did just excellent. She’s smart n cute. I think she was born to be that way. She dressed well, everything is tidy.. everything about her: the hair, dress, shoes, book, bag, even inside the bag is in the good order.. bless her and her mom.
-Akiko: a best friend of Aira, they instantly became friends since first lesson they met. I asked her once why your name is like Japanese’ name: she never answered in fact she didn’t like me. she always gave me the rejection gestures, she never gave me hi-5 after the class not until one day, it was her birthday I asked everyone to sing “happy birthday” and I gave her a small diary (well it was from school). She loved it, since then she started to talk to me and give hi-5. In fact she liked me more.
-Sarah: she is one of new students, first time she was so shy and didn’t want to do anything but sat and watched but then she became an evil, one of the trouble makers. Oh goodness I felt like I wanted to send this kid home. I think she was born that way.. naughty. Oh well kids are kids they supposed to be naughty then they could learn.
I have learnt a lot from my kids, what I have learnt most is their parents! Kids are the reflection of their parents. Some kids are very selfish and bossy, when I met their parent oh they r just like their bossy kid. some kids are well behave and very nice.. when I met their parents, they are just like their kids. Just like Aira and her mom, her mom was very nice n very friendly. “Like a daughter like a mom” I guessJ


  1. Hey Diah,

    Looks like you`re really enjoying your trip...

    Thanks for the quote ;)

    Have a good time in Thailand!



  2. Ilove this one, 2 jempol

  3. thank you guys i really appreciated:) Diah


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