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Worcester #the tours

We left the beach house on Sunday afternoon about an hour ride to Worcester, Shea told me the city is bigger than Brisbane, I havent been there yet… Hockey Game 6 started at 8pm. we went to Banner… I wanted to have chicken wings, 10 cent chick wings after 6 o’clock… we ate tons of it.. so good n so cheap… we went to the bar at 3ish..i had a walk around the corner but nothing much to see so I went back to the bar, i couldn’t wait 5 hours for the game so I decided to go back home with Mrs. Shea. She asked me if I like ice cream., hell yes who doesn’t like ice creamJ , she took me to this store near the condo… so many variety of ice creams.. She suggested to try "banana split" i was like "sure, I’ll try everything"… we do have banana split back home but compare this one… holy cow!!! It was giant banana split.. I was shocked to see big!! With three flavors; chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream and peanuts on top so good. It was a great treatJ
Anyway I watched the game at home, Bruins made 4 scores 3rd period I fell a asleep and woke up when Shea came back.. he was so happy n kept saying bruins even while he was sleeping he said bruins n smiling.. crazy!. I woke up the next morning freezing asked him to "turn off the aircon"! But then when I looked around I realized I was not at home…im in New England…the plan was visiting his 95 years old aunt… we went to pick her up at 12ish… she lived in this small house not far from the condo by herself.. when we got there she hugged Shea and cried… she just lost her beloved husband-Shea’s uncle… we had lunch at Piccadily, I had steak and mash potatoes it was delicious… I think I have got my appetite back… we went to cemetery to see uncle’s bill graveyard… it was huge , neat and green cemetery…
Aunt Anna told Shea the way.. wow she is very good at direction and knows everywhere around… she has sharp memories n good eyes… I was amazed when she read all the road sign… even me having difficulties reading it.. she guided left n right n where to turn and where to go…in fact she is still driving her car and do groceries… wahh God bless her… I had so many questions to ask but I didn’t dare to ask coz Shea said she’s very determined person. Her way or high way!!!.. but it was very nice of her to lend me her pink sweater.. she seems very mellow and nice lady…she showed me her old church and house and explained things, I felt like I had short city tour… we ended up in groceries store where she bough 3 packs of Raisin bread for us. Oh she was very nice. We went back to her house around 3ish. She looked happy and gave us a big hug and smile… we continued with a short tour of Worcester… I saw some old read buildings, churches, schools, etc the government tries to make the city look nicer by doing some constructions in some old buildings. it was dark cloudy day so I didn’t take many pictures…
I had another short tour around city this morning… Mrs Shea didn’t ride her car so we could use it, she is very nice. Shea took me to Holy cross University and showed me slums area / ghetto where those poor people live… it seems pretty alright from outside… red building and moms were hanging out with the kids. next he took me to the Quinsigamond lake. It was nice and sunny day… I sat there for a while looking at the lake view.. it was beautiful. I felt like I was looking at a painting… green trees, clear blue sky and blue lake…just like a post card…

Ps: when we had our morning walk, 2 police officers came n asked me if I knew any Asian girl.. they were looking for an Asian girl about my size.. wow I was so scared… US polices are big and serious hey!


  1. Yours story remaind me when first time I went to Aust, Kali's Mom, took me tour and show me averything, and now every time I back to Perth always going by my self ( terlalu PD ), we going out together from home, until train station we going differen way.
    Kali's aunt was 96 old woman but still amazing, she live in old home (panti jompo) because she need friend to talk.
    Haaaaa, kok jadi sedih ya aku bacanya, rindu Australia banget.
    Kadang-2 saya bingung dengan orang yang maniak olah raga, it is just game for me, NOT with Kali, it is my life, you my second wife, my first wife is AFL (Australian Food ball Lage ), hiiiikkkkkkkk, hiiiikkk, teganya dikau.
    BTW, what happen with the Asian girl the police
    looking for her ?

  2. ah mbak siwi, iya pertama emang selalu berkesan ya... iya org disini umurnya panjang2 ya.. udh hampir seabad tapi masih kuat pisiknya...
    haah masa Mr. kali bilang gitu? sama kyk Kevin.. untungnya Hockey udh selesai.. abt the asian girl... im not sure mbak.. sy lngsng buru2 kerumah takut sm polisi disini abis sangar2 n badannya guede2:)


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