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Boston; #Hull…

Hull is where we r staying now, a small n beautiful town. It’s about less than an hour from Boston city. We r staying at Kevin’s parents’ beach house (I should start to call him Kevin now instead of Shea coz they all r Shea’s). my first n second days in Hull were chillin, relax and overcome with this jetlag… oh Gosh I didn’t know it’s very annoying. I feel like the day is night and night is day… I feel very very sleepy in the afternoon and wake up early at 3-4 in the morning. I feel like a walking zombie, sometimes my brain doesn’t work.. especially when they talk.. I have to be very focus then I can get it. I wish I could reply in Bahasa coz sometimes im  tired of speaking in English… J if the say “So Diah….”then I try to be focus but when they r not talking to me I get lost in my jetlag world… I hope I could be a normal person again within a week.
The foods are so delicious but I don’t have appetite, I do feel hungry when I wake up which is at 3 or 4 am, yesterday I had chocolate cookies for breakfast… it was so damn good, it felt like I had it for my afternoon snack (that’s how my body assumed). Kevin was complaining about me eating cookie in the morning but he was the one who took me to the groceries store thoughJ, I couldn’t resist the attempting of cookie umm yum, a bag of cookies cost $3 damn so cheap!! it costs $3 for one cookie at Starbucks in Jakarta. I looked at the food n they all look delicious… oh my!! Im afraid If I have my appetite back I will keep eating n I could be fat!! I was so excited coz everything is so big here! I mean the vegetables, fruits etc.. wow they all r damn big! If I live here I will be crazy cooking everyday! I love to cook…  everything is so tiny and small in Indonesia (even the people r small ) Kevin were laughing at our groceries because he found things are so small and in a small portion…
Anyway, we have morning walk near the beach… it is beautiful here…the houses are just like in the movie… (I watch too much American movies). I have never seen summer in my life before, I love it! Everything looks bright and beautiful, the green grass (they are so neat, green like a carpet) and the flowers and the sun, the birds-singing, people look happy, etc… but I also wish I could see snowJ I’ve seen snow only once in my life. My eyes n souls are been entertain by these beautiful views which make me happy I wish it never ends… I have been to some cities in different countries but  this is the most beautiful so far in its own way… even I will see more cities but this is always be the first n will always stay in my mind… “no matter how delicious the cookies u eat but it’s not always as delicious as the first ever cookies u have in your life”
Back home in Jakarta, Kevin promised me so many things “oh baby.. cant wait to show you my country, the food are delicious, everything is big… apple n tomato are as big as your head (he likes to exaggerate things), he told me about chocolate pudding, chicken wings, Mexican food, SUBWAY, big burger, big size of chicken legs (as in Jakarta we have small portion of KCF which makes him buys two portions sometimes-first time he ate KFC he said “what the hell is this?” a frog leg?  he is crazy), cheese, cities.. NYC, Vegas, LA, etc etc… Now he has to keep his promises, we r here… I keep reminds him of all his promises which is fun!!! coz we both love eatingJ
His parents are super nice, I was very nervous about to see them, first came his dad… then his mom, next his friend Hitt (Kevin told me to call him hitman J but I didn’t). They are just like what he described before. They are nice n cool people, I hvnt seen the rest of Sheas yet… but soon J. Kevin’s dad took us for breakfast and dinner in a nice restaurant… , it was delicious but I hadn’t had my appetite yet..i cant wait till I get it back I will go crazy with the food. yesterday we had a free ride n free tour  from Kevin’s parents oh Bless them! I was so excited…. Kevin’s dad rode us around the Hull and his mom explained me the story of each places… I thought May flower is Flower grows in May but it is a name of a ship in American Revolution back then oppss.. may be when I read American history then I will understand more about what she has explained to me. we went to the end of the island… it was so beautiful,, the bay, ocean, houses etc. then the tour continued to this a area where the big houses are. Wow they all r big and beautiful.. I saw a TV program “my cribs” on MTV, it was just like those houses!!!  
I felt asleep in the car during the tour… I was so tired not until we stopped to this big groceries…  it made me awake when I looked at the size of the fruits and vegetables in the market! We had lunch at home, I felt asleep right after I finished my lunch…I slept for 4-5 hours… Kevin tried to wake me up back n forth but my eyes couldn’t open I was so sleepy,  at 9 pm I finally woke up, I put on the bruins t-shirt his sisters gave me… (he thought it was for him) unfortunately Bruins lost… I’ve been converted to Yankee (by his dad) and Bruins (by Kevin) now.
Even I felt so shitty like a walking zombie… but I feel like one of those luckiest persons in the world… I have this crazy bf n I love him and his family are super nice n cool people.  


  1. OMG, you already endut dear.......itu peyuttttt udah sedikit berbukit....haaaa
    Senang mendengar sambutan hangat camer, semoga semuanya lancar ya......
    Waaaaauw rumahnya enak buanget, dekat pantai nice.
    X komentar about you @ dining table with Kevin's parent, haaaaa..... diah kelihatan kedinginan ya, itu tangannyadisembunyikan dibawah.
    Enjoy with the BIG BIG and BIG di situ ya.

    lanjut bu........!!!

  2. oh iya masa mbak? sy keliatan nduttt? aduhh... pdhal pagi2 udh lari pagi...katanya disini summer tapi dinginnya amit2... blog tetap lanjut..i will keep posting..pls keep reading ya mbak xox #DIAH

  3. Glad y'all made it to U.S. and are having fun. I am back home. Had a great time in Jakarta with Derek. Missed seeing y'all this time.

    Enjoy reading about your travels. Hope you keep having fun. You will love America!!


  4. just wanna say.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :D

  5. Jonie, thank you for reading my blog, i love it here... except the cool has been raining n cool for the last 2 days...
    im glad u enjoy Jakarta:) we both miss Derek i hope he's doing ok there. DIAH

  6. While your in Boston, you have to visit NewYork city for shopping and a show on broadway..your love it :)


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