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Leaving Asia.. ready for 30hrs flight to the US!!

Today Tuesday, 7/6/2011, yes another departure but this time is going to be super long journey.. yeah We are going to America baby!!, who doesnt want to go there!! it's a land of opportunity (thats what everyone says) the land of freedom. I had to wait for 2 years to get the VISA, got rejected once n lost $106 within 3 hours. Yes we will never know why our application is rejected. Money doesn’t guarantee but it does make it different. 2 years ago first time I applied I had less than $2000 in my account within 5 minutes interview with 2 simple questions and when they looked at my account, the answer was big N.O I received a pink letter / rejection. Oh well it makes sense, how could I effort to go to the US if I don’t have enough money and of course they have speculation this n that. They might think I wanted to look for job, stay there etc.. etc just like other immigrants who’s looking for a better life in America!  This year is my second time… applying for the VISA I was kinda discouraged knowing how hard to get the US Visa.. I think this is the hardest VISA ever (coz of terrorist etc, especially Indonesia is in a terrorist list country). Anyway, I learnt from experiences.. I prepared well everything I needed to prepared!, application (fill in with correct info n of course straight to the point), recommendation both from workplace and Shea n of course most important was my account yeah!! Show me the MONEY! This time I had more than enough for them not to rejected me.
It was such a nerve! The girl interviewed me longer than interviewed anyone else! many questions including my personal life. God knows how I felt that time but I remind calm and answered all the questions (life to learn) and what I have leant was the more you give the answer the more they want to know n dig more questions. So I answered straight to the point based on the question but most of the answer was “Yes mam. No mam, I don’t know mam, it’s all in my documents mam” etc!! apparently they still recoded my name from last year application. She finally said “ok, mam I granted your Visa, please come back next week to pick your passport”.. I thought they were going to give me a year Visa but then the day when I picked my Visa I was so surprised with the expired year..2016 wow 5 years US Visa!! U KIDDING ME!! Gee it was one of the happiest moments in my life… coz once you get US visa it’s like an open gate to get any VISA in any countries, I felt like I belong to International community already, where I can go anywhere I want without any boundaries or hassle of the VISA etc… I have passed the hardest part of my first step to pursue my dream TRAVELING!! I felt like the happiest person in the world (a girl from a third world country who has nothing but dream) now has 2 Visa in the passport! US and Australian Visa and both are the longest Visa that an applicant could ever get. These how the trip started, without US Visa we might have lived in Australia by now!
And I always wanted to blog, write something about how I feel, see and experiences. Before this trip I had monotonous life which.. I couldn’t write “ I woke up, ate, went to work, n poop… same shit happens everyday!!...who’s going to read my blog..hahah just kidding1 anyway will be nice to be able to look back to the year when I have a great time of my life by reading back my blog”..
Anyway!!! Enough of this chatty (I’m sure I could write more but it would be  bored my reader) I don’t want to be a bragging person (who’s always talk abt themselves all abt me me me,, I do have friends like this and seriously it’s very annoying!) , I just want to share what I have seen, heart and experiences, and I hope whoever read my blog inspire to do the same trip or may learn something or perhaps entertain by my blog!  
Back to the USA.. wow I’m so EXCITED..  I want to see things I’ve seen on TV.. so  many things!! We have packed our stuffs, overloaded for sure coz we did shop a lot in Bangkok.. packing Tips: “if u have so much clothes, try to fold it as tiny as possible just like rolling kebabJ and  put it in a nice way so it fits all in the suitcase…” that what I always do. i just finished packing Shea’s bag, since he has bigger bag, I inserted some of my clothes secretly (he doesn’t know im sure he will after reading this blog or when he unpacks his bag) another tips for packing is: don’t hesitate to jump on top of ur suitcase, it helps thou make sure u don’t have fragile stuffs inside hahaha!...
All packed all set, and of course I will miss Bangkok.. I loveeee this city, hopefully we will come back one day! Pls pray for my save flight and I will write more about the US for sure! Hugs hugs xoxo


  1. Didi.. you're growing like a beautiful rose and shining like a brightest star in the sky! :D

    Now i get it, why u take this journey at the first place. This is a biggest journey you ever had (hope u'll plan for the next :)) Only a stupid who wouldn't want to see the world when they have a chance. And i know u'll overcome all the possibilities in the future, good or bad ones.
    So enjoy everything on your way. And believe.., that you always surrounded by people who love and support you. Your family and best friends.

    So proud of you, my cutest D.

    Your Best Friend Forever. -Cicitiang-

  2. ada yang ketinggalan non.......ada burung kecil menceritakan kepadaku, bahwa telah terjadi sesuatu manis hari ini.......

    ............AKU DILAMAR..........


  3. hahah thank you cici darlin, mbak kevin mah udh ngelamar berkali2 mbak:)4-5x.. nga bosan2:)DIAH

  4. Lovin your blog, but you should make the little shit pack his own bag....:)

  5. haha, i should next time i will make him pack his own;) Diah


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