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Showing posts from August, 2011

Visiting family n friends before West Coast

 The view frm th window  We are back to CapeCod to see Karen and Paul, I always love this place beautiful Wakeby lake behind Karen’s house very nice n quiet. last night we had a nice dinner at Shaw' house, Shea's good friends. Hull has been fun, Shea's birthday went well, chocolate cake for everyone... cribbage competation, games and more games with Beandos. I didn’t go to the beach much but stayed at home and read my new Kindle. Buying free classic books, I have been dreaming about Kindle since the first time I saw it 4 months ago in Cambodia, an old couple probably from US had it. n I think it’s cool, no more carrying books with me and save so much space in my luggage.  Shea' bday at beach house  Fasting (Ramadhan) in US is very tough one coz the day is longer than back home (it’s summer), a whole day without food n drink. But I still did it. Idul fitri is coming soon (it is like Christmas for Muslim), everyone back home) was asking if I will c

Hull is where i spent my first summer in US

How many friends do you make within a month? or maybe a year? I have made many friends. In fact I made a family! American friends and Family plus new friends I met in Canada! What a bless!! I feel   so lucky. I made maybe more than 100 friends / acquaintances plus my new lovely, cool n the gank American Family. It is weird went John (shea's Nephew) tried to call me aunty Diah… ahh I prefer Diah! I think I just have to get used to it! Beando’s are the best and I love them since first time I met them. they all r good and well behaved kids. Mr and Mrs. Shea are cool n the gank!!! I will take a good care of my American family whoever makes it to Australia, they have been so nice to me and I really wish some of them can make it there!..   I have never been to OZ but soon I’ll be there and I’m sure I will like it. It won’t be as much as I love Hull. Nothing compare to this beach house, especially the outside shower n the back yard, looking at the blue sky and the tree!. Sometimes we will

Old old blog i wrote!! 15 sept 2011

Some are wondering "why"; i will try to find simple examples.. why! i have been on the road for almost 4 months, im not staying in one country or city but im travelling around! 6 countries so far and more cities to count!! Overall i love America! why? so many reasons why! simple things to big things; (ps; you ain't say sh#t things abt me till you come here n experince the living yourself!!) Let me see!!! # Man!!! education is free here at least it's free until high school. most of the teacher in high schools are Master graduated they r well-educated. In Indo; nothing is free... Education is very expensive... if u poor and have no money then your kids cant go to school... what happen next! they couldn’t find a good job.. "rat-race" then when they get married, have low income, have no money, they cant send their kids to school. thats why i call it "rat-race" #Health!! it's very expensive here.. if you have a permanent job...yes then u will be

to Claudia Drolet:)

Dear counterpart Claudia Drolet:) fiuhhh what a long bus ride i had, next time when i come to visit you i will make sure kevin joseph drives. it was nightmare bus... i left yesterday night around 8pm and arrived in Woncester (kevin shea's parents house) at 1.30 pm was about 17hours... transit here n there and no body told me where to go i have to ask and ask everyone. i stayed at buffalo bus station for 3 hours laid over... it was cold cold night, freezing... oh u r right, i dont think i can stay in this country too cold.. the border was pain-in-the-ass / ça me fait chier (my new swear word from Nichola:) long queue.. the lady who sat next to me was so grumpy (i found out at end that she is from Indonesia... but she was very pround to have Canadian green card and at first she was kinda embarassed to say she is indonesian,,, she is what Kevin shea called "Not cool") a group of europe-ian students who sat infront of me were talked and talked and talked with the

Toronto #Niagara Falls and multicultural family I have visited!!

  I woke up and wondered “where am i? ah I’m in Walled, a small city half an hour from Niagara Falls, Gisele and Joe’s house where I stayed. Claudia’s aunty. What nice persons they are, they didn’t know me but let me stayed. Gisele dropped me to Niagara Falls around 11ish. It was beautiful… waterfalls, words sometimes fail to describe how wonderful God’s creation is! These Huge waterfalls, green color makes it even more unique… it bright sunny day. Blue sky, the mist and the fall, no wonder why there are so many   people come from all over the world just to see these waterfalls, it was way worthy… Canadian waterfall is bigger than American but they both look magnificent and huge. The place packed with tourists already, they jammed along the big stone fence around the waterfalls. Taking pictures, some of them were in the maid of the mist, a boat tour which takes you closer to the falls. I walked along the stone fence taking a bunch of pictures myself. An hour walk under the sunny day wa

Bus ride to Toronto - St. Catherine

Last day in Hull Gatinue at Claudia’s house was kinda relax… we visited her mom, swam in the pool. It was hot but the water was cool. Claudia’s mom cooked us dinner, spaghetti with shrimp it was good. very nice of her , she loves to talk about random thing and I enjoyed it pretty much. She was looking for something for me to bring, first she gave me a big read flowery cup… but then Claudia told her “she doesn’t hv enough luggage mom” then she found this small rock, ahh I couldn’t say No. she is so sweet and so nice!!!. I left Ottawa on Sunday at 9.30 bus to Toronto, 8 hrs bus ride for $106. Claudia, nick and baby Olivier dropped me to the bus station. The hardest part of traveling is when to say bye ..bye.. I said to her “see u later J ”. It helps so we don’t feel sad. Ah I had a great time her and her family.. what a lovely and super nice people they are. I’m so blessed to have such a good friend like her. She called her aunty in Walled near Niagara falls and asked if I could stay ove

Ottawa: #The parliament n tours

I was so excited about to see Lars, my old friend from Canadian Youth Exchange program , I haven’t seen him for 6 years or so… it is like having a first date, I wanted everything looks perfect and nice. Same like when I was about to see Claudia… or any Canadian friends, I try to show them I have a good life and happy. Sometimes your eyes or body can’t lie. I woke up at 8 and have quick shower.. Lars has called! I freaked out and worried “oh does my hair look ok? I haven’t straight it yet.. do I look ok with this clothes? I asked Claudia. 9.30 am off I go across the street near the Hull Hospital (where Claudia lives) Gatineu Quebec. The 33 bus came but it didn’t stop, I waved my hands but the driver cared less. i asked the guy on the street why it didn’t stop, he said “coz u are not in a bus line” ahhh I see! nothing like Jakarta where u can ask the bus to pull over.. I walked to the bus line where it has a small glass box.. Another 33 bus stopped and I got in. 20 minutes left I called

Ottawa #My1st-2nd days in Canada

I woke up yesterday morning at 5.30 am ahh I miss sahur (Ramadhan meal, supposed to be at 3am), went back to sleep then woke up at 9 pm. Hanged out with baby Olivier.. he is such a cutie! Beautiful baby! My first day in Ottawa, Claudia took me to down town…   she drove! Was so happy we parked for 2 hours ($2) we walked to this beautiful church called Notre Dame, some pictures were taken then we walked across the street to the National art gallery of Canada where they have this giant spider in the front. We didn’t get in but just walk in the side all the way up to the Champlain Statue, overlooking the beautiful view of Ottawa River and the Parliament of Canada. The Parliament building looks like an old castle.. the view was magnificent, beautiful!! baby Olivier had lunch there, we stay for an hour then went back home. I haven’t had enough and promised I would come back. My first day of fasting, it was pretty hard, 17 hours without food and drink.. but I get use to it1 my mom has taugh

Frankly speaking!!!

Who doesn’t want to stay in these clean and nice cities; Boston or Ottawa or maybe Sydney for instance? I don’t blame those immigrants, everybody always wants something good, promising and improve their quality of life. Man !! you can’t say shit about me about moving abroad until you see and u have no idea what I have seen and experiences. Who doesn’t want free best and free education for their kids? Who doesn’t want free health insurance for their life and the rest of their family, who doesn’t want free cash from government for their baby infant, if those say “No” I think might be something wrong with them! hahaha (just joking), some people doesn’t realize how lucky they are to be born in such a nice country but some does! You need to see things and experience things and usually it cost things too. Some people is too scare to be out of their confortable zone and they stuck! Why is it so hard to get USA/Canadian/Australian Visa for those who come from third world countries! ahaa now I

What a day!!! Trip to Canada (Ottawa-Quebec)

I just could say wow… how come one person could bring happiness to the rest of the family and friends.   The party went well just like Shea wanted! All blame on him. i was just the supporting character coz he said “I will do it my way” I’m sure Shea enjoyed the view when he saw everyone faces… tears dropped! What a man… these people love him so much… i just wonder how does he do it? his family Rocks! Karen and Dawn (Shea’s sisters) were so helpful and they were so great to handle things and make sure things are taken care of.   They have done soo much thing for us… I could feel the love of the family! It comes naturally… Only within the last couple days I saw so many new faces… his uncles from mom n dad’s side, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, second cousin, friends, friend’s gf/bf, neighbors, son and daughter of cousins, etc etc…   I have sudden family and friends, everyone was so nice... so Bless them all. I met Loli and Yogi, Sybil and Elizabeth.. Shea told me about them over   and