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Ottawa #My1st-2nd days in Canada

I woke up yesterday morning at 5.30 am ahh I miss sahur (Ramadhan meal, supposed to be at 3am), went back to sleep then woke up at 9 pm. Hanged out with baby Olivier.. he is such a cutie! Beautiful baby! My first day in Ottawa, Claudia took me to down town…  she drove! Was so happy we parked for 2 hours ($2) we walked to this beautiful church called Notre Dame, some pictures were taken then we walked across the street to the National art gallery of Canada where they have this giant spider in the front. We didn’t get in but just walk in the side all the way up to the Champlain Statue, overlooking the beautiful view of Ottawa River and the Parliament of Canada. The Parliament building looks like an old castle.. the view was magnificent, beautiful!! baby Olivier had lunch there, we stay for an hour then went back home. I haven’t had enough and promised I would come back.
My first day of fasting, it was pretty hard, 17 hours without food and drink.. but I get use to it1 my mom has taught me to fast since I was 5 years old. I have to fast till the sun goes down, back home in the sun goes down and rise at the same time but here in US or Canada the sun stays longer till 8.30 pm, yes I can eat after 8.30am. I cooked Fried rice n I am glad Claudia and Nick liked it. i didn’t want to miss my sahur (early morning meal) so I brought some fruits and yogurt to my roomJ. In fact I did woke up at 3am and ate it! I couldn’t slept after it is hard to sleep when u have full stomach! I finally went back to sleep at 7 and woke up really late at 11pm.. I disliked it, coz I felt like I waste so much day time while I’m in new city.  

Claudia took me back to the downtown, we parked in this area for 3 hours free but we had to walk for another 30 minutes just to get to downtown. She showed me the farm market around Rideu center where they sell fresh vegetables. It was nice!!! She wanted to go back coz it’s almost 4pm, she tried to avoid the traffic.. but I hadn’t have enough with the city so I stayed! I walked to the parliament building, huge area with tourist everywhere, im one of themJ I took bunch of pictures, it took me an hour or so just to walk around the building, they have this free tour but I couldn’t wait that long so I cancelled it, I will come back tomorrow. Beautiful view of Ottawa river… it has many statues all around! I asked for the cannel tour but it was too late! So I will do this also tomorrow, $20 for hour and half tour all around Rideu Cannel and overview the city! Would be fun, the weather wasn’t really good so I postpone till tomorrow.

2 hours walked with high heels, I was exhausted! Plus fasting for 17 hours, i decided to go home and followed Claudia’s instructions; I took bus no. 31 to Hull for $3.40. my first bus ride in Ottawa without Shea! Hey I could do that, I’m world travelerJ. Everything  is in French, even the street sign “stop” is also in French! Ahhh . Claudia was so worried I couldn’t make it home, but I told her I like to get lost, thats a part of traveling… but I made it home. More things to see so excited!!


  1. Like yours story dear....... sama dong, aku juga suka jalan sendiri kalau ke Australia, berangkat berdua, sampai stasiun pisah, satu kekanan yang lain kekiri..... and than jam berapa ketemu lagi, kadang-2 jalan saja by bus/train sendiri, asyiiiiiik banget, jadi iri deh pengin jalan keluar lagi sendiri lagi.

  2. iya mbak, klo jalan sendiri seru jdnya nga buru2, jln ma bule maunya pengen cepet nyampe aja hahah...:)


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