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What a day!!! Trip to Canada (Ottawa-Quebec)

I just could say wow… how come one person could bring happiness to the rest of the family and friends.  The party went well just like Shea wanted! All blame on him. i was just the supporting character coz he said “I will do it my way” I’m sure Shea enjoyed the view when he saw everyone faces… tears dropped! What a man… these people love him so much… i just wonder how does he do it? his family Rocks! Karen and Dawn (Shea’s sisters) were so helpful and they were so great to handle things and make sure things are taken care of.  They have done soo much thing for us… I could feel the love of the family! It comes naturally…
Only within the last couple days I saw so many new faces… his uncles from mom n dad’s side, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, second cousin, friends, friend’s gf/bf, neighbors, son and daughter of cousins, etc etc…  I have sudden family and friends, everyone was so nice... so Bless them all. I met Loli and Yogi, Sybil and Elizabeth.. Shea told me about them over  and over , when I met them I felt like I knew them already…  isn’t that nice how people talk good thing about you!!!
So many people, Britt, Jen and hutch were there and I told them I don’t know them as much as you do… so u r not alone!:) but everyone was so happy and at end they all blended and talked! I was so thrilled coz my dear best friend Claudia and Nick came, they drove all the way from Canada! So excited !!! at least I saw familiar faces who can calm me down. Cooked-out and the game was fun… everything went excellent!!!
Sunday afternoon after family cook-out, I packed my stuffs and ready for Canada… yes im going to Canada with Claudia and Nick!! So excited!  Packed some lunch and off we go! I said bye bye to everyone! Long ride but it was fun.  Nick was driving while me and Claudia were talking, talked about old stuffs we did in Canada (7 years ago) and caught up the lost 8 years after we parted. She has always been my best friend ever since. I just couldn’t believe that I see her again after these years! (i thought im going to see her when we will be 40 years old or so) We lived in the opposite of the globe and on top of all is that im back in Canada… my second time! this is like a dream come true! “be careful what you wish for”J
We were on the road for 4 hours then stopped in a small hotel called Fairfield Inn-Marriot, nice one to stay over (same price like the one in NYC but this one 10x nicer). We had long day after party and cooked out so we all crushed right away! The next morning we hit back the road around 9, crossed the river in Vermont by boat, passed small Indian Town, and some towns then immigration. We had to go to the Canadian immigration office in the border , they asked some  random questions. I wasn’t worried, I’m so get used to this, the common question they ask is “do u only have one name?”. I have been crossing the border line of countries I have visited many times. Just talk nice straight to the point and be confidentsJ  all went well! Nick and Claudia took me to St-Hubert, it is convenient place to eat for Ottawa or Quebec people just like Burger in US. Chick, vegetable, French fries, drink and plus desert for one price. It was goodJ but as usual the portion was so big so I couldn’t finish it.
Im excited to see the Canadian flag and maple trees everywhere! im in CANADA, my first country I have visited long time ago when I was teenager. It brings back all memories! So thrilled! Claudia had to leave her baby Olivier for 4 days just to see me so bless them both. And she was crying about to see baby Olivier. We went to her parents’ house in Ottawa around 2ish, they r so nice! Just like Claudia then we went to her house in Quebec Province (Hull). I saw some government offices along the way, just like castle look old and classic. The house is in the main street and very nice.
It’s nice to have a “home” where u can be relaxed, have privacy and do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small as long as it’s yours. It is nice to call “my house” ! I wish I have one! J im jobless and homeless. I live on the road, hotel to hotel, house to house (whoever wants to give us free shelter). I don’t have my comfy bed anymore, bed where I can drool, under my favorite blanket, my favorite pillow!!! the bed I have so far are vary from single-double-king size-small-rough-confortable-smelly-! I think i have had it all! what do u expect as a traveler! all I need is a bed to sleep. I can’t expect much but bed! Where I can sleep and close my eyes! When the next day I look at the different ceilings and try to remember where am i? oh im in NYC-Bangkok-Vang Vieng-Quebec-Hull-CapeCod-Ho Chi Mihn-too many to mention till I get tired of thinking “where am I” im so get use to it!
Anyway, I took a nap for half an hour then long hot shower!!! Was so good! Nick cooked for us.. he is very nice guy! I’m so happy my friend Claudia married such a nice man like him. i could feel the love in this house! corn in the cap (my favorite) and Salad was the dinner! Tomorrow morning will be my first sahur (it’s Ramadhan for Muslim so I have to get up at 3ish-eat) and fast for another 16 hours until the sun goes down which is arnd 8.30! no food nor water, no anger nor temper, no complaining nor grumpy, no Chocolate L nor KFC grill Chick but peaceful heart, feel the hunger, the temptation and fight for it till 8.30 then feels the glory! (that’s how I feel) Happy Ramadhan for my Muslim friends, brothers and sisters!!!


  1. Wow I can't believe that you are in Ottawa?! woot..woot..!! To bad we weren't there, if not, wouldn't be funny and nice :) Salam buat Claud. Waktu itu aku pernah ketemuan di Rideau Mall pengen janjian dinner but never happened. Pernah ketemuan juga ma Maya and Eric but never really sit and talk :) Enjoy your time in Ottawa (Ottawa is a pretty boring city though hehe..) Ya ampun berarti Diah bakal ngelewatin apartemen kita dulu, mall Rideau tempat gw nongkrong, Rideau Canal, etc..etc.. Life is so funny sometimes eeehh? :) Rencana ke Fernie juga Di?


  2. ahhh ika!!! i know world seems smaller when u travel hey:),iya say... so far so good i like the city such a nice and neat trs banyak bangunan kyk jaman jadul tapi katanya claudia lumanyan baru. coba lho disini wahhh pasti seru!!! i will make sure nanti kita stop di KL to see u and Stu, Fernie? kayaknya nga say jauh bgt east ke west:( i really wish i could hopefuly next time when we come back aduhh aminn!!!

  3. Do please stop in KL on your way back. Yess the world is tiiinyy when you travel...Iya yak jauh Ottawa-Pernie heheh...



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