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Ottawa: #The parliament n tours

I was so excited about to see Lars, my old friend from Canadian Youth Exchange program , I haven’t seen him for 6 years or so… it is like having a first date, I wanted everything looks perfect and nice. Same like when I was about to see Claudia… or any Canadian friends, I try to show them I have a good life and happy. Sometimes your eyes or body can’t lie. I woke up at 8 and have quick shower.. Lars has called! I freaked out and worried “oh does my hair look ok? I haven’t straight it yet.. do I look ok with this clothes? I asked Claudia. 9.30 am off I go across the street near the Hull Hospital (where Claudia lives) Gatineu Quebec. The 33 bus came but it didn’t stop, I waved my hands but the driver cared less. i asked the guy on the street why it didn’t stop, he said “coz u are not in a bus line” ahhh I see! nothing like Jakarta where u can ask the bus to pull over.. I walked to the bus line where it has a small glass box..
Another 33 bus stopped and I got in. 20 minutes left I called Lars that “im in the bus” it cost $3.40 but Nicholas gave me his old bus ticket so I only had to pay 10 cent extra. I was too confidence would make it before 10 am but guess what happen? I took the wrong bus, it went somewhere in a station… I took 39 instead of 33, ahh!! Asked here and there then I found the right bus to the parliament (where me n Lars should meet). It took another 30 minutes for sure I came late! I finally met Lars, he is as tall as before and look the same. He got us the free tour tickets at 11.20am and 12.30pm. we walked around the parliament I took a bunch of picture while walking we talked about the life after program.. it was nice.
The first tour was east block parliament hill, we were a group of 20 people or so, a young lady 25ish was the tour guide who spoke fast but explained us the details about the building. It has 4 main offices of important people back then such as first prime minister ( John A. Macdonald), William Lyon Mackenzie  etc, the offices were authentically real from 1800-ish, such a huge and beautiful office they had back then… the tour was about hour and half. I care less about the history and had no attempt to ask.. that’s what I dislike from a tour packet; there is always curious people who asks random question and it made the tour even longer and boring.. Come on! I just want to seeJ.

The central block which is the new parliament tour was at 12.30 but more people in this group; a young French Canadian was the tour guide who speak English with French accent. We walked inside the parliament, many rooms and it was beautiful… the architect inside was awesome.. each room has each details and stories  even the ceiling! This one hall full of big pictures of old people from 1800ish like on Movie, I felt like each eyes stared at me!! creepyJ It was cool an dvery recommended!!  At end of the tour we went to the 6th floor where they have this big clock which bell rings every hours. it was pretty coo but long queue! Another boat tour of Ottawa river was at 2, we barely couldn’t make it coz by the time we finished the parliament tour it was already 2pm. We ran to the Ridau Cannel, Lars is tall and has longer feet he could ran fast enough but me!!! fasting and hungry … wearing these shitty sandal with very short skirt!!! The boat was already full with tourist and we were there just the right time….
Exhausted!! Yes I was, it was hardest day so far during Ramadhan in Canada, i couldn’t even walk straight and needed water so bad! The tour was for an hour and half ( $20 )… but didn’t worthy! All I saw was forest and trees and some buildings. The liberty boat ride or Boston boat was way better… I don’t recommend this Ottawa river tour… I should have taken the Ridau Cannel TourL oh well life to learn hey not many Asian girl has this chance so still I enjoyed it. I should have listened to trip-advisor “try not to do too much” !! I hadn’t had enough with the tour then I walked all the way to the ridau center, Byward Market and ect… Lars left after the boat and it was very nice of him took a day off to be my tour guideJ. At 6ish I decided to go home, took another bus 33 to Hull! It was so good to be home saw baby Olivier’s faces and Claudia n nick warm greeting. I thanked Claudia who has cancelled the dinner and Mosaika at parliament… I told her that I had enough with parliament etc… I didn’t want to go anywhere near downtown coz I ‘ve been there 3 days in the row!! My feet was numb and hurt. I walked a lot..which I didn’t mind but when it’s Ramadhan without no food nor water is kind a hard! But I always made it till braking fast at 8.30!
Today was easy!!! I told Claudia I didn’t want go anywhere but stayed at home and hang out with them. baby Olivier is as cute as ever. We still went out to see “Mackenzie King” estate… it is a big area belongs to one of the Canadian former minister n it is in the country side beautiful landscape, garden and house! We took a short walked with baby Olivier and sat for a while! It was beautiful day, blue sky, fresh air! I couldn’t ask more but enjoyed the scenery! The dollar store was next stopped then the groceries! Claudia wanted to surprised Nick with a nice dinner but it was too late coz by the time we got there he was home!! Ahh!! I cooked my convenient Indonesian food; Nasi goring / fried rice and sweat soya Chicken. Set them a nice dinner coz they deserve it. They both have been such a great parents and worked hard! Very nice and gentle, I think they are super nice people I have met!!! Im glad she is my best friend!! I couldn’t expected much but a place to stay BUT they gave me more… the hospitality, food, tour, n the baby!!! He is such a beautiful baby!!! ah how could I pay this all! perhaps one day in the future when they can make it to Australia!.
U see!!! i always have a good day coz  I ALWAYS set my mind into it! just like what the book call it as “LOA or law of attraction” when u set you mind over something then your body will help and lead u there!!
Another Canadian friend named Eric couldn’t make it coz he has to see his mom in Quebec city… too bad but I understand! Perhaps I could see him in the future!,  now im making plan for the next trip “TORONTO” so excited! Claudia helped me a lot oh so bless her. She always makes sure im ok and save… it is nice to have such a dearie friend like her! I feel so blessed! And it is nice to have friends from all over the places!!! Nick and Val will be the reason of my Toronto Trip!!! So EXCITED!!


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