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Showing posts from May, 2011

Bangkok: Chatuchak weekend Market

Chatuchak weekend market where we were yesterday,   thousand stalls sell everything from food, clothes, furniture, accessories, etc. it calls weekend market bcoz it happens during the weekend, it started from Friday – Sunday night. It’s so easy to get there MRT/the train goes directly to the market Kamphaeng Phet: the name of the train station. We pay 20 baht, apparently the prices of each stops are vary, depends on how far you go unlike Busway in Jakarta, you pay the same both far or near but still very cheap. We went there around 3ish and it was already packed. We got off the station, I spotted this bikini stall where sells very cheap but good bikini. Yes I got 2 new bikinis. I love it!! we walked through the food stalls and clothes, In the corner I saw shorts for 100 baht, yes.. 2 shorts sold!, next food stalls, it spreads all over the place. I had delicious grill squid for $1 and Indian food (chicken masala ) The more we walked the more stalls we saw. Shea got 4 pairs of shorts for

Bangkok: #Counting the day of my next trip

I’m counting the days before our next trip, it will be a very long flight Bangkok-Tokyo-Lax-Boston. I do love traveling but I hate flying. My very first international flight was long time ago when I was 19 years old, more than 20 hours from Jkt- Singapore -south Korea – Vancouver. Anyway back to Bangkok, Soi Ladproa 62 at Greenery house is where we r staying. Shea’s good friend Steve has been living here for 4 years now. It is nice condominium with pool and gym. Most of the people who live here are tourists or expatriates who work in Bangkok, they are from France, England, Italy, America, etc. they all nice and friendly, since we have stayed here before, the management gave us good price for a nice and big room. The location is not in Khao San rd nor the tourist places but still easy to access since the transportation in this country is so much better than Jakarta, we have many options, MRT (train) is our favorite, so easy to get around and cheap for 35bath. I know the fact that I’ve g

Laos: ‘Now and never”

Now or never, I will never regret to drag my bf Shea to visit Laos, he was kinda changed his mind not to go. Laos and Thailand are like Indonesia and Timor-Timor, so much difference. Viantiane, the capital city of Laos is like a small undeveloped city, it’s way from fancy and glamor architect very simple and small with no malls. Day3 in Laos; I didn’t do anything but slept and chillin in the hotel room, the weather was so hot, the heat was just difference, it wasn’t   kind of the heat you can enjoy, sunbathing etc. it was very humid. I waited till it cool down around 5ish then I biked around city. It’s such a small city, it has 2 main roads and very quiet, 1 or 2 cars passed. Most of the local people bike or walk around the city. I saw many restaurants that offered special menu with weeds, they call it happy menu. Some restaurant plays drama series “friends” and “family guy” over and over. I think they have the complete episodes. Nothing much I could see but series of rock mountains. S

LAOS: Tubing down to Nam Song river

Tubing is what we came here for, Laos is famous with tubing and party in the river. It is said Vang Vieng is a small town that built for backpackers. Bars offer free drinks for ladies and “hash brownies” and of course cheap weed. That’s one of the reasons why so many young backpackers come here. Bikini party near the river, smokes ganja, to get stoned and drunk. I can’t see any good things from this river but party. The bars full of these young backpackers, loud music. Crazy! Of course it brings money to the local people but such disrespect. I thought those backpackers travel to third world countries in order to learn the cultures, tradition, etc but they contaminated the local values by bringing their craziness to these innocent, pure local people. No wonder y people here is not that friendly, may be they get sick of these backpackers but they need their money. It also happens in Bali, most of the bar or club charges the local but let the tourists in free. I don’t understand why, mayb

LAOS: 20hrs bus ride

Wow it was the worse bus ride ever so far during this trip. I felt like a zombie. We decided to leave Chiang Mai coz nothing else we can do, such a nice and small city but we had enough. 2 days ago Shea bought 2 tickets to Laos straight bus to Vang Vieng (we should have stayed in Vientiane- the capital city ) but then we thought we will be tired anyway so just face it!. we were exhausted, 20 hours bus ride.. the bus left at 6pm, we checked out from the hotel at 11. Half day left in Chiang Mai we did nothing, I surfed in internet while Shea went to the pool, what a boring day, anyway we were the first passengers they picked, good thing coz we got the chance to pick the seat.. I chose the one right behind the driver,, coz bigger space. It was a small Van. It took an hour just to pick another passengers, this van just drove us to the border of Thailand which was 12 hours ride. The driver informed us, he will stop and take a rest every 100KM. I was kinda scared, this young man drives himse

Chiang Mai #My first Elephant adventure!!

Singing..”I’m going to the e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t’s tour..yes!!”.. I kept singing it last night, so excited. Morning came I jumped in the shower… put on sun block, blush on, big red hat, sunglasses, all the accessories I could possibly wear and most important is the CAMERA!!, the tour car came 8.45am off we go!!, it took an hour to get to the elephant tour. First thing we did was visiting baby elephant and fed them with banana or sugar cane for 20 baht. they are so cute, a female elephant needs 21 months to carry the baby inside before she delivers and they only can be pregnant 5-6 times in their life (wow, I just leant this fact!!) Second was bamboo rafting, we sat on these files of bamboo tide together, i kept asking the guy “is it saved?” the river was brown it flowed fast.. i was sitting in the front row (Shea didn’t want to come bcoz his hockey team played this morning, no worries… i still have the excitement and fun!). oh our group was so boring, seem like I was the only one who talked

Thailand: #Chiang Mai day2

I watched the NatGeo channel about a long neck tribe in Thailand, some friends suggested an elephant’s ride. It sounds cool, I want to try it all. Today I had a great day with my first Thai cooking lesson. It was amazing, I love it so much! We met another traveler from Melbourne Australia, Scott. A very nice guy who talks with a strong Australian accent. We met him in a local bar yesterday afternoon, I thought we won’t see him again after “the wall” bar. But we bumped on the road today, It’s such a small city I guess so easy to get around and meet the same person again and again. i signed up for the elephant tour for tomorrow, I paid 1000bath which is about $22, all package including an elephant’s ride, ox’s ride, orchid garden, elephant’s attraction, bamboo rafting etc. good price hey (we’ll see tomorrow). Anyway, since I had nothing to do, I then signed up for Thai cooking lesson for 4 hrs. Scott has done it before and he also showed us the place where he got the brochure. We ended