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Thailand #day1

New city, new hotel, and new street, when I woke up, it took me awhile to realize that I am in Bangkok. Last 2 weeks I was kinda freaked out and scared but now I don’t care, I’m getting used to it. I get up early, showered and walked around the Khao San rd. sunny day, some stalls just opened, Thailand is all about stalls, the food street and shopping, accessories, etc. i was excited, i hurried up to the exchange money and got some local cash. First thing I did: 7 eleven (got some water), stall fruit (got some pineapple), pad Thai for 30 bath, I was happy already. The food was good and spicy, I walked and walked through clothing stalls on the street. Oh they all look good, I felt like I wanted to shop. Dresses, pants, undies, accessories, bags, bracelets, too many to count. I visited some guest houses, but the prices were varied from 300-600 baht. Ney I don’t think we want to move.
I followed the small alley of every street and I saw guest houses, stalls, etc. i walked and walked for 2 hours, I enjoyed it so much. Around 11ish I came back to the hotel but Shea was still snoring. He came back very late in the morning that’s y he was tired. Anyway I went back to the street, in front of our hotel there is a food stall, all thai food. I ordered Tom yang soup, I was kinda disappointed with what I got because the soup didn’t look and tasted the same like I had in Indonesia. This soup used coconut milk on it and made it tick, I’m not a big fan of coconut or anything with coconut’s milk. Back home the soup was just plain soup with cilantro, squid, shrimp etc. I tried to explain them what kinda soup I wanted but they didn’t understand. Oh well, i didn’t eat the soup just some small piece of squid and shrimp that wasn’t fully. I was still hungryJ
I walked through all the possible alleys I could walk and I remember the places for cheap laundry, massage, bookstore, restaurant, 7 eleven, etc. i had enough then I went back to hotel. Shea finally awake and wanted to have lunch. We had lunch in a restaurant (my second lunch hahah) the price was a bit pricy. I had chick wings and Shea had sandwich. We were fighting over the price coz Shea thinks if things are expensive he doesn’t want to buy, but me don’t care, especially food, I love eating if I like the food I just buy it. He got frustrated and decided to give his ATM so I could manage the money and he wanted to see how good I was. At first I said N-O but he insisted, he said he wants to feel free from money management and wanted to switch position. Now he became me and I became him the money bank. OMG he was such a nagging, he acted like me when I wanted something. He said “oh baby this is so cheap, buy it buy it, oh I feel sorry for him buy something from him etc, etc (I know he wasn’t serious and teased me) OMG he was crazy and exaggerated things, I wasn’t that bad. So I bought everything he wants with his money for sure coz I just became the money holder. He bought headphone, 3 t-shirt and I was getting frustrated. The money he gave was gone and he wanted to buy short, this and that. I didn’t mind, it was his money anyway. So I went to the ATM (his ATM card that he gave me) and took some cash. He nagged me for 40baht, OMG he was such girl… I want an umpa lumpa NOW like “Veruca” in Wonka chocolate factory’s movie, that’s what he always called me “Veruca”. Anyway I took 5000 baht out of his account and I gave him 1000baht (I know what he wanted to buy, “chang” the local beer in 7 eleven) they don’t sell beer not until 5 pm.. I was laughing so loud, happy to know the fact that he didn’t get his beer and I was getting tired of his nagging.
Next he wanted to buy pants, I said “get it” I’ll pay (with his money for sure), I sat while waiting for him shopping then I realized that I didn’t have his ATM. OMG where did I put it. I told him, I lost his ATM, we were freaked out. I remember then, I didn’t lose it but I forgot I didn’t took the ATM back from the machine. Game over hahaha.. no more “varuca” he was getting serious, I felt like I want to laugh. What else could we do…..!! we rushed into public phone and called the bank. He called the bank, the ATM will be delivered tomorrow to nearest “exchange money counter” in the same street where we lost the ATM. He said “no more my ATM in your hand no more, I’ll take my ATM card back”. It was hilarious I want to laugh when I think about what had happened. I didn’t worry at all nor feel bad about it because we have the same account and he could easily transfer all his account to mine then use my ATM. Problem solves but he wants his ATM back. We’ll see tomorrow.  
Dinner, another pad thai and spring rolls from the street with a lots of chili. I love it!! I also bought a kilo of rambutan (local fruit). We took some pics of this weird animal that sold by a thai lady on the street, fried frog, nugget, cockroach, cricket, etc. we paid 10 baht for one pic but I took so many pic which made the lady upset..oppss… I met so many travelers so far, they are from all over the world (except Africa), they travel solo or group. Japanese, Russian, Australian, Korean, Norway, British, French, etc. there are so many of them. There is always new traveler comes everyday (yes I mean TRAVELER just like in NatGeo program on TV, travel to as many country as they could, they do it in a cheap way) they come and go. i don’t feel alone anymore, there are so many people in this street like me. They even have travelled to so many countries.
Our hotel has no wifi or internet connection, we have searched for wifi but all of it has password. We couldn’t get online. So we have this tricky idea, me and Shea walked around our hotel and seeking for places with “wifi” which could reach our hotel, then we found this massage place called “nancy”. So I asked Shea to have half and hour thai massage (he was pretty down with it), I came also with my netbook so I could asked them the password while waiting for Shea. We got it!! we got the password. That’s all we need. Went back to hotel and apparently the “nancy” wifi doesn’t have strong connection or maybe it’s too from where we stay. Oh well at least we got one password. We came to the street and sat near the salon which is only next door from our hotel and being online. Shea talked to his sister, nieces and nephew through skype. We are both happy knowing that we can be online. I’m happy coz I could keep blogging. What an experience. i always learn and see and hear something new everyday. Living by experience and by doing. I love this trip, I love my life. God Bless. Makasi ya ALLAH.


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