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We didn’t do much today, just relaxing and recovering from the long bus ride. Right after I woke up, I called the receptionist if there is available room in the lower floors and she said yes, 2nd floor.. sweet!! No more climbing up 10 flights of stairs. They cleaned the room and we moved to room 203, 2nd floor. In Vietnam we moved hotel but here only the room, thanks God.  We had breakfast in the hotel, they have this small cafĂ©, nice veranda with red walls and white curtains so sweet. Omelets for 2 costs $4, the bill goes to our room. Every hotel / guesthouse in SIAM REAP has bikes for rent our hotel charges $2 for a whole day which is still cheap but the backpacker hostel next door charges only $1 for a whole day. I definitely will try riding a bike around the downtown.
The city is small but very nice. I found Cambodian is very friendly and helpful, they r friendlier than Vietnamese, way friendlier. I can easily make friends with local people here, (most of them think im Cambodian). There are so many Tuk tuk everywhere, the rate is started from $1 -$5. we had late lunch in KFC (yes after eating that MSG food, I have this fear not to try local food) it costs us $ 3,6 the tomato and chili sauce tasted weird, the sprite tasted tasteless and the burger is so small n square … Indonesian’s stuffs r still no. UNO haha.
We went to a small market and I bought $4 silver ring, very cheap. Then we went to noon-night market (this market opens from 4pm until late midnight) but it wasn’t opened yet. I like the tuktuk guys here, they don’t really bother you after you say NO. unlike Phnom Penh…
We had dinner in this restaurant called “I viva ! Mexican food” in Bar Street. I don’t really like Mexican food well maybe not yet but I know Shea does. He ordered Mexican food but I had khmer black paper steak. The prices are a bit pricy but when the food came and we had the first bite, we were looking at each other and said “Damn this is soooo good”, literary real good. Tender meat, perfect sauce with black paper and french-fries. It costs us $12, We definitely will come back, there are so many restaurant / cafĂ© with variety of foods, draught beer for 50 cent, all liquor costs only $1,5 (Damn cheap) I can’t imagine the price will be like in Jakarta..$7-$15 very expensive. Between our street and the downtown, there is this small river connected with some bridges and nice green garden in both sides. People sits in the benches enjoy their afternoon, so relaxing and quiet. Oh I love this city,,, Siam Reap.


  1. Loli and Yogi in San Diego want to wish you a happy birthday and a wonderful trip! See you in July for the party. Great on on the blog, very impressed. Give Shea a hug from us too. Love, Loli and Yogi

  2. It's such a joy to read your blog !! Happy birthday counterpart : 0) xxx

  3. thank u so much counterpar, i will see u within less tha 2 months so excited

  4. thank you so much loli and yogi, shea talked alot about both of you, i cant wait to see u.


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