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VietNam #day5

oh what did i do yesterday... yes relax, slept and ate.. hahah what a traveler. i ate another pho noodle for 42.000 dong / $2. Shea had SUBWAY for 115.000dong / $6, i refused to have one because "when it's in Rome so be like a Roman" i want to eat SUBWAY when we get to America, but i had couple bites Damn it was good.. im going to be fat if i eat that stuff.. i had dinner in local restaurant, vegetables noodle n spring roll for 110.000dong / $6, Shea didnt feel well maybe something wrong with what he ate or drank.. it happens when u travel to new country so always be ready and bring some medicine..

i think i have enough with this city. i want to see as much as possible but unfortunately the good stuffs and good places are far away from the HCMC.. Ha long bay is 2 days bus ride, beaches are quiet far from where we stay.. considering my heavy bags etc it is so hard to move so we decided to go n jump to the next bus to Cambodia, probably tomorrow morning. Shea wants to meet his best buddy in Bangkok , we have to be there in May 15th. so the plan tomorrow will be busride for 12 hrs to Siam rip Cambodia, pack and unpack AGAIN!
And im not sure if i can get internet connection, my 27th birthday is coming soon, oh mam!! im 27 im getting old!!! but this birthday will be the best ever.. Cambodia!! where i will celebrate my birthday. SHEA is the best.. and he makes me happy so far.. i will always keep dreaming and who knows it comes true like today... DREAM BIG

But i have to get use to this traveling life.. everytimes i wake up i always wonder "where am i" no schedule, no work, no school, no more cooking, no clean up, no normal life... yes im having a dream life when i dont have to worry abt anything but be happy and travel, see new stuffs new people, new culture, and for sure i always learn n try new things everyday. Life is good mama!!

ps: i talked to my bestfriends achi n aulia thru skype (diahdiah84), feel good after talking to them..i luv them both


  1. I luv the way u r capturing each day princess... Bagus!!!


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