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Cambodia #Day5

I’m tired of going up and down everyday just to get the internet connection. Our room is in the corner of 2nd fl and the signal was so bad… I had to go down stair just to get online. I asked the girl if there’s a room available, yes we r moving again for the 3rd times. 207 is our new room just across the hall. It has very good internet connection, balcony towards the main road, bigger space except for one “the toilet”, it has no “ass blaster” or broken or something. It is like a long pipe with water so u  can spray it to ur butt, as we Asian use water to clean out butt, then tissue to dry it. Shea keeps remind me to get use to such a toilet coz in US or AUSI they don’t have the “ass blaster”. OMG I’m not sure about that. I can get use to not eating rice everyday (but still I need rice at least once a week) but this….ohh man. I told him I will bring my own small jar or bucket in my bag everywhere I go in his countries.
Anyway, we were pretty much chilling n did nothing during the day, coz it was super-hot. I live in tropical weather in my whole life but still couldn’t stand with the heat here. It was so hot, if u put raw egg in a pan n leave it outside, it probably cooks thou, seriously HOT. We had breakfast and lunch in the hotel, not from the hotel menu haha but we made it ourselves, well actually I made it, yes Shea always has an excuse not to do something with the cooking, cutting, kitchen. Used to be when we were in Jakarta, every time we finished dinner n asked him to do the dishes he would say “who’s riding the bike?” “who’s having extra hour and teach until 9pm”! uhhh i don’t mind coz I love cooking anyway… he did the dishes sometimes just when I wasn’t around. Anyway, I bought some fruits and cup noodles, stored it in the fridge. i used hotel’s knife n plate and asked hotel for hot water. We’ve been staying in this hotel almost a week now while other tourists come and go and I know the people here well. They are very nice to me. (well probably because I sat in the lobby for hours and hours with my laptop almost just to be online). Fruits for breakfast and cup noodle for lunch....
Around 3ish, we decided to go to crocodile’s farm, but just me and Shea coz his friends went to Angkor Wat/the temple. We rent 2 bikes, I guided Shea to the muddy n small road I found the other day (there weren’t no more mud but dusk coz the heat). $3 tickets.. geee a lots of big n old crocodiles, ages from less than 1 year till may be 20 years. The r real big, the cage wasn’t really that big, it has concrete cage around and some small swamp and muddy ponds inside. The crocodiles were chilling and sunbathing and some of it was in the pond. 1168 crocodiles for such a small cage… there are another cages for baby crocodiles ages 1-4. They also sell bags, shoes, belts, which made of crocodile’s skin oh I would never ever buy stuff like that not in a million year. I’m against animal prints’ stuff (but the girl there said all the stuff they sell are from dead crocodile which they use the skin *fiuhh. We were there only for less than 30 minutes, I couldn’t stand it coz the crocodiles were so stink… J
Done with crocodiles then we wanted to see the floating market, I asked some local people and they said far away 17km, but Shea didn’t believe them coz sometimes they lie and offer tuk2 for a ride then they can make $$$... we just peddled towards the floating market’s road. We passed some bridges and local market (where I bought rambutan/kinda fruit), we passed villages until we found no more houses but rice fields, damn it was far, we pulled over n asked again, they said only 7km. yes they first guy did lie. We kept peddling, met this western girl who sat near the road. She said another 3km, she has been there, it took an hour by boat to get to the floating market and we have to rent it for $15 /person. Ummm we didn’t have any money in our pocket besides it’s too  much just to see the market and what do they sell there? Clothes or something interesting?(we r in very tide budgetJ) I told shea I don’t want to see it anymore, back in my home we do have this river and along the river there are this floating village where the houses are floating in the river and nothing special. We went back but Shea promise we will see floating market in Thailand or Laos. An hour to get back.
Hungry and grubby, we ate another cup of noodle, shower then rush to Mick’s hotel (Shea’s Irish friend), I haven’t seen them and I heard a lot about them from Shea. We took tuk2 for $1.50. I met Mick and his fiancé Orlaith. They were very  very nice. Just like what Shea described. They treated us to dinner in a really nice restaurant near the graveyard out of nowhere. It called “touich” restaurant, it’s no. 1 recommended by trip advisor. They road was bumping and crazy but it was worthy. We had khmer Mojito which was best mojito I have had so far. They owner “sobey” greeted us politely with wide smile and explained the best menu etc. i had sautéed squid wit green pepper, Shea had tiger prawns, all menu goes with rice and vegetables. It was delicious!!!! We talked and talked for hours, got home at 12.30. we r not friend of watch or date nor day now… everyday is Saturday.. life is good baby!!


  1. Diah!
    It sounds like your trip is amazing so far!
    How can you stand the heat? I HATE the heat. I'd much rather travel to somewhere nice and cool...but that's just me.
    The food sounds so delicious!

    Be safe.

  2. Tabb, I do have a great time. I dont like the heat either. But I cant stand the cold:)
    I wish I could see u in Fernie or somewhere in canada.. I'm not sure yet if I could make it.
    I'll let u know for sure if I do. Best regard to everyone I miss u all


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