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LAOS: Tubing down to Nam Song river

Tubing is what we came here for, Laos is famous with tubing and party in the river. It is said Vang Vieng is a small town that built for backpackers. Bars offer free drinks for ladies and “hash brownies” and of course cheap weed. That’s one of the reasons why so many young backpackers come here. Bikini party near the river, smokes ganja, to get stoned and drunk. I can’t see any good things from this river but party. The bars full of these young backpackers, loud music. Crazy! Of course it brings money to the local people but such disrespect. I thought those backpackers travel to third world countries in order to learn the cultures, tradition, etc but they contaminated the local values by bringing their craziness to these innocent, pure local people. No wonder y people here is not that friendly, may be they get sick of these backpackers but they need their money. It also happens in Bali, most of the bar or club charges the local but let the tourists in free. I don’t understand why, maybe we locals can’t afford to buy drinks. But hey.. most of the backpackers have little money themselves and sometimes they just want the free drink (I will think twice to send my kids to go backpacking coz I know what these kids are looking for during the trip). Anyway enough with this self-jealousy! haha
Yesterday happened to be the hottest day of this trip. Even Shea couldn’t handle the heat. We went out for lunch and back to the hotel to cool down. Around 3.30ish we decided to do the tubing, tubing is floating down the river with tube and enjoy the scenery. We paid 120,000 Kipas each (60.000 is guarantee money in case if we don’t bring the tube back) the tuktuk guy took us to the river which was about 15 minutes ride. When we arrived I was surprised by the scene I saw. There are some bars (bars here are not a real good bar in town but woody and simple bar) and parties were going on. Packed with tourist who only wore bikini, drank, danced, smoked, etc. just like beach party, they are all kids or maybe college students. Ah no wonder why the town was so quiet. Here are most of the tourists.
First I was kinda scared, brown river, the local people said it safe and no crocodiles. Ah I’m not sure, this is Laos, un-touch and jungle. but then I was thinking “now or never”, I just jumped in, Shea hold my tube n we flowed down the river.. I saw about 10 bars along the river. We were kind of late so didn’t have time to stop for a drink but then there was this guy holding a board said “free drink for  ladies” oh yea!! We stopped and I had free whiskey coke J, drinks were all cheap… he also has this “hash brownie” extra-ordinary brownie which is enough to make 2 people stoned. We went back to the river n floated for about 2 hours. The view was magnificent, a series of beautiful rock mountains, the blue sky and the sounds of the nature: water flows, birds, crickets, etc. we got to the end of the tubing around 6pm and gave back the tubes, we were on time and didn’t get overdue charge. We got our 65.000 kipas back ($7). I told Shea I had enough with tubing… I came here, I’ve done it, I’m happy, no more reason to stay. Not much to see and to do, I can’t eat local food coz too much MSG, I can’t stand the heat, the local people aren’t friendly.. (oh why am I such a complainer!!)J


  1. Looks relaxing! I see you got Kev away from the tv long enough to enjoy the river!!! Fun!!!
    Keep writing, we are all learning a lot from your adventures!

  2. It does look like a blast!

  3. Thank u:) we r watching re-play hockey game now, kevin was screaming out loud when his team made the score... He gave hi-5 to anyone in the bar;)


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