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VIET-Now #day2&3


The hotel construction was real annoying, the girl said it will start at 9am but they started bangging the next door at 7am... gee!!! we had no choices but wake up then had breakfast, simple fry eggs with local bread. day 2'S plan were just relax and massage. The girl informed us to move to their better room for $15/night, but what's the point coz they are still doing the construction and it will be noisy anyway. we decided to walk around the street and find a new hotel. appearantly there are so many guest houses or hotels along the Phang Ngu Lao street.. we didnt know before since we arrived in at night.

We stopped and checked 7-10 differents guest houses / hotels; the averange price is arnd $10-15, some are too small, too expensive, dirty, etc. then we finally found this guest house called Minh duy, well it is like a store in chinatown with 3-5floors. the room in the 3rd floor, yes it means 3 flights of stairs... that's the only thing i dislike about the hotel/guest house in Vietnam, you have to go all the way up with many stairs no elivator... nor lift. they asked for $15 but then we bargained to $12 the room has double bad, TV Cabel, big fridge, internet n balcony facing the main street. nice and clean room and of course plus aircon+fan.

pack and up-packed..yes we did it... heavy bags, i felt sorry for Shea coz he has to carry the bags all the way up to our room... by the time we finished moving it was already arnd 6pm. before moving i had another pho noodle (yumyum) for 30.000dong, cheaper than last night's dinner (one thing i learn for being backpacker; you should always ask and find out abt stuffs, cheaper is better hahaha) my lunch cost 65.000 dong or $3 incld fanta, mineral water n saigon beer.

Second meal / dinner, we went to this restaurant. they serve local and westerm food and abit pricy for sure. i had friedrice with vegetable and shea had mexican food it costs us abt 180.000dong /$9. Massage.. yes that's the plan, we went to this place called HELO Spa, full vietnamess' body massage for 100.000dong /$5. it was kinda weird massage, first the girl asked me to rinse, she just pointed shower i just guessed "oh maybe she wants me to clean my body" then i rinsed my body... then she started massage me... y i said weird coz she was using her knees to massage my back...weirdoo. but it was good. massage costs 210.000 dong / $11.


Today we went to cu chi Tunnel, we joined a tour cost $10 / 2 person. we wake up arnd 7 and got into the bus at 8am with other tourist. i was the only asian..:) there were abt 27 of us, all big dude (bule). the tour guide (i forgot her name) was very nice and funny.. she explained the whole things about Vietnam and the war. she speaks very good english with vietnamess' accent... it was just made me smile when she said "more tourist more money... no money no honey...and live in a big city is taugh and things r never free.. she also kept promoting herself... telling everyone she's single etc.. hahah" the bus wasnt really big but it was nice n it has aircon as the weather was

it took hour n halft to get there then we had to pay entrance fee 80.000 dong / $4 per person.. but im sure the price is cheaper than this. i wasnt really pay attention abt the tunnel, but it was fascinating... the viet-kom dug the tunnel as their based to fight US Army. it has 3 floors (with kichen, meeting room etc) ohh i cant explain it is a must to see the tunnel if u ever come to Vietnam.. just imagine the Viet-kom are ants or worm.. who dig their home... so it wasnt straight tunnel but it has so many n there... they are very smart.. when we get to the tunnel first time is watching the video abt the cu-chi village before and after the war. then the tour guide explained the map of the tunnel then the tour is started... it was about maybe an hour or so.... i did try to walk in the it was so scary, breath taking... such a small tunnel u cant walk but bend over... you also can shot a gun... there is this area where tourist can buy the bullet and shut the gun... i didnt do it.. it was so loud.

Half tour my camera was dying oh shut!! to bad.. on the way home, we stopped at war museum... real helicopter, tank etc.. i hv never seen a real tank and helicopter in my life.. we took some pics ( we had to buy an extra battrey for my dying camera). it shown how the agent orange destroyed the whole living things... yes not only people but whole things who ever alive... so dangers.. the agent orange is still effect-ing the generation after war... even until nowadays.... we had local pho for dong /$3 for 2 person and taxi home cost 80.000 dong / $4. we were so exhauted, got to hotel, shower, relax then dinner at turkey for kebab cost 190.000 / $9.

We have spent abit to much but money cant pay what i have seen n experience today.. my legs r still hurt but this smile on my face pays it off... i had a very good day. life is good baby!!!


  1. Great Blog Diah! I feel like I'm on the trip with you!
    Looks like you guys are having a great time, but it will pale in comparison to shopping in New York City!
    Happy Birthday!
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    P.S. We have a great Mexican restaurant named El Sarape- We will bring you there- Lots of Chinese food, but they use MSG- There are some great Thai Places- My husband Paul has one right across from his office that he loves- We will take you there too!

  2. Dear Karen Thank u so much, we do have a great day, he spoils me. it's so nice to know that there are some people out there who read my blog. makes me what to write more abt our trip.
    ps: im looking forward to try the great Mexican Food:)


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